Recommendation on Citizenship and Anti-Racist Education project (CNE) prepared by Isabel Menezes et al.
On 6 November, at its plenary session, the National Education Council (CNE) approved the draft Recommendation on Citizenship and Anti-Racist Education drawn up by Councillors/Rapporteurs Isabel Menezes, President of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences and Director of CIIE, Joana Brocardo and Luísa Malhó.
After listening to "a wide range of actors" on issues of ethnic and cultural diversity, discrimination and the role of schools, and "taking into account the contributions of the guiding documents of educational policy, national and international recommendations, research data on the Portuguese situation and the hearings held", the CNE issued ten recommendations, including i) "the strengthening of public policies to combat exclusion and poverty, but also public policies explicitly aimed at combating discrimination and racism"; ii) "the collection of data on race and ethnicity in the characterisation of pupils at the various levels and systems of education"; iii) "the encouragement of a broad discussion, starting at school, of Portuguese expansion and colonialism" (in Recommendation, pp. 4-5).
The full version of the Recommendation on Citizenship and Anti-Racist Education in