School education: Heritage and challenges

The educational and curricular policies implemented since 2011 break with the principles and practices that schools and teachers have already adopted. On this basis, this cycle of debates proposes to analyse the legacies and challenges arising from this new policy framework.

This axis promotes debate between the scientific community of Education Sciences and other educational actors on critical issues in current school affairs. The aim is also to mobilise frameworks for reading and analysing educational and curricular policies and relate them to the practices developed by schools associated with the Observatório da Vida nas Escolas (OBVIE). 

Each event will be attended by a researcher in the educational sciences, whose task will be to analyse the problem. Representatives from two OBVIE member schools will also take part. Their speeches will emphasise the following topics: (1) 'What the school is doing' about this issue; (2) 'What it could do'. The debate will then be open to all those present.


24 January 
Extending compulsory education to the 12th - what changes? 
Manuel Matos

28th February 
The assessment of learning in secondary education: What are the senses of excellence? 
Domingos Fernandes 

21 March 
What curriculum for 2020? 
Carlinda Leite 

18th April 
School education for 2020: Which teachers in which schools? 
Manuela Esteves 

30th May 
The economic and social crisis challenging schools 
David Rodrigues and Filinto Lima

20 June 
School evaluation: purposes and possibilities 
José Augusto Pacheco