

DICEs — Digital Citizenship Education from Inside Out Schools: Focusing Minority Youth Habits, Rights, and Specificities Regarding being Onlineth-habits-rights-and-specificities-regarding-being-online


The educational response to the transformations that result from economic, demographic and social changes requires communication and articulation of different languages and different knowledge that will help to promote creativity and skills diversity (knowledge, reasoning, communication, attitudes), including the ones related to digital literacy, leading to innovation and citizenship development. This networking scenario favours the emergence of innovative educational practices promoting social cohesion, which is in line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)4: “Quality education”. However, the United Nations SDG progress report (UN, 2019, p.10) realized that “the learning environment, the capacities of teachers and the quality of education have not kept pace with the rapid technological changes (…) being necessary refocused efforts to improve learning outcomes for the full life cycle, especially for women, girls and marginalized people in vulnerable settings”.
According to the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (IEA, 2018), only 1% of Portuguese young people managed to select the most relevant online information and were able to assess the usefulness and reliability of the information to create information products. In a broad international scenario, of the 46000 students, only 2% showed the ability to critical access 'online' information. These rates are even inferior regarding students with lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
The project DICES aims to produce relevant knowledge about the relationship between young people’s social and educational settings and their habits of consuming, producing, and sharing online information, as well as to what extent this background influences their vulnerability to misinformation, manipulation and cyberviolence. Furthermore, the project aims to recognise and analyse effective digital citizenship education practices from inside out schools. The main target group is young people, from 12 to 16 years old, at risk of exclusion, facing situations such as learning difficulties, disadvantage background and family characteristics, social economical obstacles and/or cultural differences. The procedures of the study will include the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from literature review, document analysis, questionnaires, individual and group interview with students and teachers.
The results include scientific papers production, as well, reports, national and international communications and a handbook focusing on promising practices and innovative learning scenarios designed for teachers and others education professionals. The expected long-term impact is the contribution to change local and international educational policies in a bottom-up perspective, giving these young people voice and an active role all over the process.

CAFTe – Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Technologies in Education

FCT- Fundação para Ciência e a Tecnologia

Angélica Monteiro

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto ( FPCEUP), Portugal
