Recognizing the multiple challenges faced by teachers of Citizenship and Development (CD), the project assumes the following objectives: a)Contribute to the collaborative construction of a theoretical framework to support citizenship education, integrating cultural, philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical perspectives; b)Adapt Minnesota's Community Voices and Character Education Project (CVCE) moral education model to the Portuguese context.; c)Identify the training needs of CD teachers in the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education; d) Create a collaborative network of researchers and Citizenship Education teachers.
CVCE is based on Rest's conception of moral development and differs from other integrative models of moral education due to its systematicity, pedagogical intentionality, and collaborative orientation. It starts from the reality of communities and school culture, includes and values the reflective practice of teachers and students, and recognizes the investigative relevance of their questions and difficulties.
The adaptation of CVCE to the Portuguese context involves tasks such as student assessment (to be carried out through the translation, adaptation, and validation of scales related to moral sensitivity, judgment, motivation, and action), consultation with teachers, and analysis of CD subject guidelines.
This is an exploratory, mixed-methods research to meet the outlined objectives with two distinct samples. The first will consist of approximately 12 classes in the 2nd cycle of basic education, collected in school clusters in the Northern region through self-report scales distributed to students on paper. The second will consist of approximately 10 CD teachers participating in a focus group, depending on theoretical saturation.
FCT . Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia
(ref.ª UIDB/00167/2020)