

The IP takes consignance of the responsibility of HEIs to promote understanding of indicators of social cohesion through professional programmes for trainees who have concerns for the well-being of communities, including children, young people, and their families. The aims as identified in 4.6 identified can be brief1y summarised as:
- to explore social policy within the European region as it relates to cohesion and the well-being of children, young people and their families, including the various responses to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;
- to discern and recognise the kinds of social settings and institutions that have the capacity to affect social cohesion and social/economic well-being;
- to develop skills in evaluation in order to be able to evaluate 'physical', 'systemic', 'communicative' and 'attitudinal' factors within such social and institutional settings that have the potential to promote social cohesion and well-being;
- to explore ways in which interdisciplinary responses to a study of the promotion of social and economic well-being can develop new understandings.
Developing expertise in intercultural dialogue is seen as a fundamental lifelong learning process to this end. The target group for the IP brings together trainees in education, social work, economics and business to conduct enquiries within relevant social and institutional settings. In this way the IP promotes interdisciplinary awareness of the effects of responsive and sensitised management of people's transitions. In a changing Europe, such transitions have implications for both economic
and social well-being. Innovative use of ICT will support the sharing of E-folios and the co-documentation by trainees and staff about enquiries into social and institutional effects. These outputs will be complemented by posters, presentations, teaching materiais, directed tasks, accessible assessment frameworks, and importantly the audit too. These outputs support the development of joint programmes across the partnership to promote cohesion and well being.

Comissão Europeia

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciênicas da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
