The six groups of Schools (Canas de Senhorim, Nelas, Mangualde, Penalva do Castelo, Sátão and Vila Nova de Paiva) that are associated to the EduFor Training Centre comprehend a large educational territory of five Councils and reveal common potential in several domains. All this networked collaborative work is the responsibility of the Pedagogical Committee in matters such as strategies and planning. It is the only formal organization that integrates the top management of a network of councils, where the problems and educational challenges that we face are debated so as to come up with the adequate educational responses to improve educational success. The Pedagogical Committee operates in the Mangualde Group of Schools, head school of Training Centre of the Associated Schools EduFor.
IDEAFor - Identity, Democracy, School, Administration and Training
Comissão Europeia, Erasmus+ (Action type: I&DT)
Ref. 2015-1-PT01-KA201-013059
Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde, Portugal (coord)
Branston Junior Academy, United Kingdom
Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanza, Spain
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Spoleczne Liceum Ogólnoksztalcace nr I im. Unii Europejskiej, Poland