

This project aims to build and implement an innovative methodology for building an identity curriculum together with European partners, articulating the national curriculum and the local curriculum related to heritage, thus contributing to European educational cohesion. This project has the pedagogical supervision of a researcher from the University of Porto, who will collaborate in the scientific validation of the constructed methodology. In implementing the methodology, it is intended that practices that promote inclusion in the definition of activities to be developed and in the free educational resources produced by all partners are applied. In the design of the methodology, special emphasis is placed on the establishment of local partnerships for the development of activities on the content selected by each partner. This project aims to produce two innovative intellectual products: a Methodological Guide, in an open digital format, on the construction of an identity curriculum and an app for both android and IOS operative systems. It is intended that a dynamic of high student participation be implemented in the production of free educational resources (OER), and that they are characterized by pedagogical relevance, innovation, sustainability and transferability, in a demonstration of skills development for the century XXI. The project's application dynamics combine transnational coordinator project meetings, LTTA with short-term student exchange, LTTA with short-term training events for teachers, production of two intellectual products and two multiplier events.


European Commission, Erasmus+ Programme (KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices / KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education)

Daniela Ferreira

Agrupamento de Escolas Camilo Castelo Branco, Portugal (Coord.)
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto(FPCEUP), Portugal
Liceo Scientifico Pasteur, Italy
Dimotiko Scholeio Makedonitissas 3-Stylianou Lena, Cyprus
Association Scientia Nova Kavadarci, Republic of North Macedonia
Kuressaare Nooruse Kool, Estonia
