This project aims to focus on the lives of women from different generations, exploring their diverse pathways through formal and non-formal education and their experiences in wage labour, both in public and domestic spaces. Thus, it refers to the polyphony of their voices, rather than a homogeneity that, while having one of its effects in denouncing their situations in subordinate relations, may have contributed to obscuring the active reconfigurations imposed on their life trajectories.
A substantial part of this project seeks to construct narratives from their voices, a concept that the authors refer to as "a politics of voice" (Lister 1977; Yeatman 2000), and to articulate these within the frameworks of democratic citizenship issues in which rights and visions of reality seek to dialogue. Semi-structured interviews will also be important for making visible women's subjectivities and life trajectories in education and professional life. Several educational contexts will be in focus: school contexts, as experienced and lived in coeducational paths in primary and secondary school, in adult education, in early childhood education, by both young women and adult women revisiting these paths in an evocative and reflective manner. The professional contexts evoked will also be diverse, shaped by specific class and ethnic relations: on one hand, the paths of engineers, teachers, nurses, and politicians; and on the other, the experiences of domestic workers, artisans, street vendors, and homemakers. Educational and social policies, particularly those related to family and sexuality, will also be analyzed, especially using research and document analysis from the past ten years. Statistical knowledge of school trajectories, particularly in primary and secondary schools concerning success and dropout rates, will be fundamental for many of these developments to take place sustainably, serving as a reference.
This is a project that could contribute, in its sociological, historical, and educational formulation, to uncover the specificity and diversity of women's trajectories. It will be structured through advanced master's degree training projects (such as the Master’s in Education, Gender, and Citizenship, currently underway at FPCE in its 1st year) and three doctoral theses, all of which will be systematized and likely result in a series of publications in national and international journals and books. As previously mentioned, the biographical method (including life stories, biographical narratives, and autobiography), document analysis, semi-structured interviews, content analysis, and statistics will be pursued, ensuring the project's development. The project will be overseen by two doctoral consultants, aligned with the advanced master's training, and will introduce an internal evaluation system.
PIV – Inclusion Policies and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciênicas da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
Direcção Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Comunidades Portuguesas (DGACCP), Portugal