

Schools are a privileged place for the primary prevention of gender-based violence as changes in social norms and behaviours can be promoted from early childhood. However, educational interventions are not delivering the expected social changes because in many cases do not take into account the scientific consensus on what are the most effective actions that have demonstrated measurable and sustained improvements in the prevention of gender-based violence in schools in different contexts. 

TeachXevidence aims to reverse this situation by creating capacities and resources for the education professionals and fostering a European network of researchers and practitioners that co-construct educational interventions based on scientific evidence of school and social improvement. To this end, the project will: a) Compile best and latest evidence of successful educational interventions in the prevention of gender-based violence from school in Europe, b) conduct online and face-to-face seminars that transfer this knowledge to practitioners and capacitate them to search for reliable evidence and contribute to the creation of it, c) create a community of researchers and teachers who together will co-construct 13 working sessions for primary and secondary schools based on two innovative solutions that scientific research has already proven to work in preventing gender-based violence in schools: 1. Educating in new models of masculinity 2. To protect not only the victims but also those who defend the victims. d) Pilot the working sessions, adjust and extend them to other schools in Europe e) Involve educational authorities and School representatives to upgrade legislation, policy and protocols based on the evidences gathered by the project.



 Ariana Cosme, Juliana Oliveira and Louise Lima are part of the team.

EIP – Teaching and Pedagogical Innovation

European Commission

Daniela Ferreira

Armando Loureiro

Universitat de Barcelona, Spain (Coord)
Agrupamento de Escolas Marinha Grande - Poente, Portugal.
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
Hvidovre Kommune, Denmark
Iris - Asociación Por La Educación Basada En Evidencias, Spain
Ministério Da Educação E Ciência, Portugal
Universidad Nacional De Educación A Distancia, Spain
