This set of 35 critical incidents (CI), produced within the project SOLVINC - Solving intercultural conflicts with international students (2018-2020 | 2018-1-PL01-KA203-050751), is a collection of real life experiences of intercultural conflict by international students which were gathered and analysed using the action-research and case-analysis method of critical incidents by Cohen-Emerique (2015).
Each CI aim is to portray a diversity of intercultural conflict situations in higher education (HE) and is systematized according to type of situation (i.e. in the classroom, working with peers, interaction with HE teachers), type of cultural domain, cultures involved and area of conflict (sensitive zones).
The key points of the analysis elaborated under each CI were:
- The cultural values and norms that lie at the source of the conflict on the narrator/international student and other actors side.
- The possibilities of reconciliation between the 2 parties.
- How the conflict affects the professional practice in HE or in general about the respect of cultural differences in intercultural situations.
They are available in 5 language versions: EN, DE, FR, PL and PT - HERE.