The 'Boost-Up your class' Citizenship & Job ePills Activities Compendium was developed within the project UP2B – Boosting Up School Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion (2019-2022 | 2019-1-PT01-KA201-061346), is a set of activities exclusively based on digital tools. These activities enable teachers with basic control or more advanced control of digital tools to develop their own contextualized and personalized activities with their students, e.g., online games and quizzes, conceptual maps, videos, presentations, animations, instructional content on webpages, e-books, etc. These activities intend to boost motivation in the classroom context. Their aim is to create a "one-stop-shop" with a double feature: to provide information to teachers about the existing tools while elucidating their purposes and possible uses, their advantages and disadvantages, and to create and make available ready-made activities using such tools to provide ready-made solutions for use in the classroom, to increase students' motivation in due respect for the UP2B's themes.