Membros Integrados

Professor(a) auxiliar convidado/a

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


Eunice Macedo is Assistant Professor at the Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP). She teaches on the BA and master programmes and supervises research students in citizenship education and diversity, gender, innovative pedagogy, intervention methodologies, training evaluation, and professional development. She holds a BA, a Master and a Ph.D in Educational Sciences from the University of Porto. Previously, she graduated as a primary school teacher at the Escola do Magistério Primário do Porto. She worked as a teacher for several years at various educational levels and contexts, including adult education and the education of people with learning difficulties. She is an integrated member of the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education of U.Porto (CIIE), where she chairs the research community of practice 'Policies of Inclusion and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality', a research and advanced training group. She is also responsible for the CIIE's strategic area Engagement of Vulnerable Young People in Education and Training since 2020 and the main coordinator of the CoPIn Polititics of inclusion and voices: Education, Gender and Intersectionality. Her research is focused on education, citizenship and gender, particularly with young people in schools, supports her intervention with communities, in search of ways of education and life linked to happiness and personal fulfilment, and mediated by the world. Eunice has authored a wide number of journal articles on these topics. She has been involved in collaborative research supported by a variety of both national and international bodies. She integrated the team of the EU-funded research project 'Reducing Early School Leaving in Europe' (, in which she developed her postdoctoral research, as well as the teams of other international projects: Teaching for Holistic, Relational and Inclusive Early Childhood Education (THRIECE); Commitment to Democracy through Increasing Women's Participation (CODE_IWP); Learning in a New Key: Engaging vulnerable young people in school education (LINK - as PI); Supporting VET Teachers and Trainers to Prevent Radicalisation (Xeno Tolerance). She coordinated the national team of the EU-funded STALWARTS - Sustaining Teachers and Learners with the Arts: Relational Health in European Schools (2017-2019), and co-led EduTransfer - Learning from Diverse Educational Settings (2018-2022), supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT); ClimActiC - CidadaniaPeloClima: Criando Pontes entre Cidadania e Ciência para a Adaptação Climática (2021-2023); MotivatEyoUth Preventing Early School Leaving in the EU (2019-2021). Currently she is a team member of diverse reserach projects (SCIREARLY: Policies and Practices Based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe; Poder Dynamics In Education Revisited; COSI ed: Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training). She is the Deputy President of the Paulo Freire Institute of Portugal.

2012 – Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação - Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2005 – Mestrado em Ciências da Educação - Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2001 – Licenciatura em Ciências da Educação - Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Abandono escolar precoce; Escolas de Elite; Cidadania; Educação com Arte; Sustentabilidade.

European Commission

PODER: Power dynamics in education revisited

Our primary objectives focus on adult educators’ competences to overcome challenges related to power and hierarchy. Our concrete aims are to: stimulate a better awareness of the challenges of power and hierarchy in education; to raise awareness of the learning pathways needed to overcome the challenges of power and hierarchy in education;
to develop educators’ awareness about the need to consider issues of structural discriminations;
to develop educators’ knowledge about different identity-based exclusions, power dynamics, contemporary context and debates; to trigger changes in attitude towards members of minorities, implying less rejection and more empathy;to provide new techniques to create an open, safe and brave learning space; to develop a better capacity to step up against manifestations of oppressions; to facilitate the adaptation a maieutic approach to deal with manifestations of racism, discriminations or resistances; to offer strategies to integrate a political dimension to the learning experience, considering power relations; to increase motivation to integrate a critical intercultural approach in one’s pedagogical mission, motivating learners ; to act for more equality.

Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte (Norte2020, ERDF)

ClimActiC - CidadaniaPeloClima: Criando Pontes entre Cidadania e Ciência para a Adaptação Climática

European Commission, Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency, Erasmus+ Programme

COSI.ed - Co-created Education through Social Inclusion

European Commission, Erasmus+

motivatEyoUth - Preventing the Early School Leaving phenomenon in the EU through practical and innovative solutions

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

[Co-PI] EduTransfer - Learning from diverse educational settings: transferability of promising practices in the 2020 Horizon

This participatory research analyses the possibilities of transference between educational institutions, of promising educational practices that take as basis problem based learning, as a cooperative learning methodology. Therefore it involves mainstream schools and out of school educational institutions, the alternative learning arenas. The starting point of the project is the concern about the need to find more concerted forms of action in education, which involve the different actors in promoting a sense of belonging and commitment to education by young people and teachers, promoting greater success in contributing to the reduction of the social and individual problem of early school leaving and early leaving from education and training; dimensions on which the project's relevance rests. Also relevant is the creation of spaces within the educational institutions, where young people have the opportunity to exert their citizenship and crucial competences, by participating in the identification, decision making and action to improve their life contexts. The innovative dimension of the project emerges from the strong articulation between researchers, teachers and young people, in the construction of participatory practices for solving real problems, identified by the young people themselves, and that result in community involvement, allowing a detailed analysis by the research team with the contribution of the participants. The production of policy proposals to address the problems identified will also involve policy makers in this process. The research standing point is based on a sociological perspective that argues for the need to go beyond the identification of problems and to collaborate in the construction of measures that contribute to their resolution. In a coherent articulation with the theoretical principles of a sensitive research that engages in the processes it observes and analyses, ethnography is the main method of collecting and analysing data, complemented by focus group discussion, which stands on the participants? voices. The use of these complementary methods will allow the matching of the voices of the researchers, more sustained on ethnographic observation, and the voices of the actors, who are heard and taken into account in the research. The continued observation by the researchers, through the presence in the field, will allow for participatory observation and close proximity to the questions in analysis and to its actors. In addition to this, the project invests in a solid internal communication, sustained on a communication and management strategy, and in the involvement of participants in the communication and management processes by means of successive moments of encounter and debate with the research team and between the different institutions. Detailed recording and reflection on all project moments and processes will enable responsible accountability to all entities involved.

European Commission

THRIECE - Teaching for Holistic, Relational and Inclusive Early Childhood Education

European Commission

[Portuguese team leader] STALWARTS - Sustaining Teachers and Learners With the Arts: Relational Health in European Schools

European Commission, Erasmus+

Xeno Tolerance - Supporting VET Teachers and Trainers to Prevent Radicalisation

European Commission, Erasmus+

LINK - Learning in a New Key: Engaging Vulnerable Young People in School Education

Europe for Citizens Programme, European Commission

Code IWP - Commitment to Democracy through Increasing Women's Participation (CodeIWP)

European Commission

PODER: Power dynamics in education revisited

Our primary objectives focus on adult educators’ competences to overcome challenges related to power and hierarchy. Our concrete aims are to: stimulate a better awareness of the challenges of power and hierarchy in education; to raise awareness of the learning pathways needed to overcome the challenges of power and hierarchy in education;
to develop educators’ awareness about the need to consider issues of structural discriminations;
to develop educators’ knowledge about different identity-based exclusions, power dynamics, contemporary context and debates; to trigger changes in attitude towards members of minorities, implying less rejection and more empathy;to provide new techniques to create an open, safe and brave learning space; to develop a better capacity to step up against manifestations of oppressions; to facilitate the adaptation a maieutic approach to deal with manifestations of racism, discriminations or resistances; to offer strategies to integrate a political dimension to the learning experience, considering power relations; to increase motivation to integrate a critical intercultural approach in one’s pedagogical mission, motivating learners ; to act for more equality.

Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte (Norte2020, ERDF)

ClimActiC - CidadaniaPeloClima: Criando Pontes entre Cidadania e Ciência para a Adaptação Climática

European Commission, Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency, Erasmus+ Programme

COSI.ed - Co-created Education through Social Inclusion

European Commission, Erasmus+

motivatEyoUth - Preventing the Early School Leaving phenomenon in the EU through practical and innovative solutions

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

[Co-PI] EduTransfer - Learning from diverse educational settings: transferability of promising practices in the 2020 Horizon

This participatory research analyses the possibilities of transference between educational institutions, of promising educational practices that take as basis problem based learning, as a cooperative learning methodology. Therefore it involves mainstream schools and out of school educational institutions, the alternative learning arenas. The starting point of the project is the concern about the need to find more concerted forms of action in education, which involve the different actors in promoting a sense of belonging and commitment to education by young people and teachers, promoting greater success in contributing to the reduction of the social and individual problem of early school leaving and early leaving from education and training; dimensions on which the project's relevance rests. Also relevant is the creation of spaces within the educational institutions, where young people have the opportunity to exert their citizenship and crucial competences, by participating in the identification, decision making and action to improve their life contexts. The innovative dimension of the project emerges from the strong articulation between researchers, teachers and young people, in the construction of participatory practices for solving real problems, identified by the young people themselves, and that result in community involvement, allowing a detailed analysis by the research team with the contribution of the participants. The production of policy proposals to address the problems identified will also involve policy makers in this process. The research standing point is based on a sociological perspective that argues for the need to go beyond the identification of problems and to collaborate in the construction of measures that contribute to their resolution. In a coherent articulation with the theoretical principles of a sensitive research that engages in the processes it observes and analyses, ethnography is the main method of collecting and analysing data, complemented by focus group discussion, which stands on the participants? voices. The use of these complementary methods will allow the matching of the voices of the researchers, more sustained on ethnographic observation, and the voices of the actors, who are heard and taken into account in the research. The continued observation by the researchers, through the presence in the field, will allow for participatory observation and close proximity to the questions in analysis and to its actors. In addition to this, the project invests in a solid internal communication, sustained on a communication and management strategy, and in the involvement of participants in the communication and management processes by means of successive moments of encounter and debate with the research team and between the different institutions. Detailed recording and reflection on all project moments and processes will enable responsible accountability to all entities involved.

European Commission

THRIECE - Teaching for Holistic, Relational and Inclusive Early Childhood Education

European Commission

[Portuguese team leader] STALWARTS - Sustaining Teachers and Learners With the Arts: Relational Health in European Schools

European Commission, Erasmus+

Xeno Tolerance - Supporting VET Teachers and Trainers to Prevent Radicalisation

European Commission, Erasmus+

LINK - Learning in a New Key: Engaging Vulnerable Young People in School Education

Europe for Citizens Programme, European Commission

Code IWP - Commitment to Democracy through Increasing Women's Participation (CodeIWP)

Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors

CoPPEECC – Construindo Pilares do Projeto Europeu com Educação, Cultura e Cidadania

European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development

[FP7] - Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU

Where the available research data on ESL only explains isolated aspects of the evolution towards ESL, the project analyses ESL from a holistic perspective. By framing the complex and often subtle interplay of factors influencing ESL on macro/meso/micro level; and by deconstructing these configurations of influencing factors in the specific contexts where they occur, we expect to uncover specific combinations of variables and contexts influencing the processes related to ESL. This allows us to formulate conceptual models useful for the development and implementation of policies and specific measures to influence ESL, making the project not only relevant to academics, but also to policy makers, school staff and civil society. aims to provide insights into the mechanisms and processes influencing a pupil’s decision to leave school/training early; as well as into the decision of ESLers to enroll in alternative learning arenas unrelated to a regular school - but wherein specific creative or innovative methods of knowledge and skill transfer are used. Additionally, focuses on the vulnerable group of youngsters that left education or training early and are identified as NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). also aims to identify and analyze the intervention and compensation measures that succeeded in transferring knowledge and in keeping pupils in education/training, although they showed high (theoretical) risk of ESL.
In order to be able to compare the data gathered in 7 partner countries, will develop and refine the theoretical framework on ESL, formulating a workable yet nuanced definition of ESL. Through a mixed-method design, a total of 28140 surveys and 1176 interviews/FGD will be conducted, generating in-depth data while allowing systematic comparisons and quantitative generalizations. Results are targeted at different audiences/stakeholders: EU- & national policy makers, school staff, academics and civil society.

Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors

CIDEU – Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

TemRedE - Building Local Networking in Education? Decision-makers' discourses and strategies on school achievement and drop-out

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia



Freire and feminism

Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

"Mãos na massa" A aprendizagem baseada na resolução de problemas: Um dispositivo orgânico de diferenciação [Problem-based learning: An organic pedagogical differentiation device focused on participation] pedagógica focado na participação

Macedo, Eunice; Silva, Sofia Marques

Edited book

Práticas promissoras em contexto: Transferibilidades de esperança com jovens e profissionais da educação.

Macedo, Eunice

Conference abstract

Body, Brain and Soul Citizenship: Dancing for the Exercise of Rights

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Explorando a renovação da pedagogia: Problem based learning como espaço de cidadania educacional jovem [Exploring the challenge of renewing pedagogy: problem-based learning as a space for young people educational citizenship]

Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.

Working paper

Educação Sexual de mulheres, ontem e hoje, em Portugal

Gomez, Fernanda; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

Aprender a aprender: Para uma práxis educativa amiga-das-pessoas-autistas

Macedo, Eunice; Vidal dos Santos, Régia; Carvalho, Alexandra

Conference abstract

Dialoguing about dance, well-being and young citizenship: a systematic literature review

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Exploring the renewal of pedagogy: problem-based learning as a space for young peoples’ educational citizenship

Eunice Macedo; Elsa Teixeira; Alexandra Carvalho; Helena C. Araújo

Conference abstract

Researching the Best Choreographies for Young People's Well-being and Citizenship in the here and now

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.


Freire and feminism

Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

"Mãos na massa" A aprendizagem baseada na resolução de problemas: Um dispositivo orgânico de diferenciação [Problem-based learning: An organic pedagogical differentiation device focused on participation] pedagógica focado na participação

Macedo, Eunice; Silva, Sofia Marques

Edited book

Práticas promissoras em contexto: Transferibilidades de esperança com jovens e profissionais da educação.

Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

Aprender a aprender: Para uma práxis educativa amiga-das-pessoas-autistas

Macedo, Eunice; Vidal dos Santos, Régia; Carvalho, Alexandra

Journal article

Los condicionantes del abandono temprano y del retorno educativo bajo la mirada de sus protagonistas

Gutiérrez-de-Rozas, Belén; Macedo, Eunice; Carpintero Molina, Elvira; López-Martín, Esther

Journal article

Explorando a renovação da pedagogia: Problem based learning como espaço de cidadania educacional jovem [Exploring the challenge of renewing pedagogy: problem-based learning as a space for young people educational citizenship]

Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

Dialoguing about dance, well-being and young citizenship: a systematic literature review

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

Afinal, a quem é permitido dançar? Mapeando o acesso de jovens à dança em diferentes instituições educativas

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

Dialoguing about dance, well-being and young citizenship: a systematic literature review

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

Body, Brain and Soul Citizenship: Dancing for the Exercise of Rights

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Exploring the renewal of pedagogy: problem-based learning as a space for young peoples’ educational citizenship

Eunice Macedo; Elsa Teixeira; Alexandra Carvalho; Helena C. Araújo

Conference abstract

Researching the Best Choreographies for Young People's Well-being and Citizenship in the here and now

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

Body, Brain and Soul Citizenship: Dancing for the Exercise of Rights

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Second Chance Schools in Portugal and Spain: Educational Proposals for Students in Greatest Vulnerability

García-Rubio, Juan; Macedo, Eunice

Working paper

Educação Sexual de mulheres, ontem e hoje, em Portugal

Gomez, Fernanda; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Macedo, Eunice



Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.. Corresponding author: Macedo, Eunice


Do cumprimento da tarefa à apropriação do conhecimento e da democracia: Transferibilidade de práticas promissoras na aprendizagem através de diferentes contextos educativos – Recomendações e implicações políticas

Journal article

'If I had power, I would stop injustices in the world': Photovoice's experiences with young people from disadvantaged urban communities

Garcia, Ana ; Macedo, Eunice; Queirós, João

Journal article

Autismo na escola: da construção social estigmatizante ao reconhecimento como condição humana

Régia Vidal Santos; Eunice Macedo; Jason Ferreira Mafra

Journal article

'Todos nós temos um bocadinho de ativismo': Experiências de participação de jovens na Greve Climática Estudantil ['We all have a bit of activism': Experiences of youth participation in the school strike for climate]

Garcia, Ana Dias; Macedo, Eunice; Queirós, João

Journal article

Freirian interpellations, in the light of work with the Paulo Freire Institute of Portugal

Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

Growing up in a never-ending crisis: Youth transitions and aspirations in Portugal

Nada, Cosmin; Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

Afinal, a quem é permitido dançar? Mapeando o acesso de jovens à dança em diferentes instituições educativas

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

EXPLORANDO SENTIDOS E SIGNIFICADOS: O contributo do cruzamento do Photovoice e da Discussão Focalizada em Grupo como estratégia criativa e inovadora para as pesquisas em educação

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

Dançando ao som do bem-estar e de cidadanias jovens: Desafios e oportunidades da arte na educação

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.



Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.. Corresponding author: Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

Precariedades e mais além... tornando viável o inédito de uma educação de segunda oportunidade nas trajetórias jovens

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra

Journal article

Explorando o desafio de renovação da pedagogia: Problem based learning como espaço de cidadania educacional jovem

Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

EXPLORANDO SENTIDOS E SIGNIFICADOS: O contributo do cruzamento do Photovoice e da Discussão Focalizada em Grupo como estratégia criativa e inovadora para as pesquisas em educação

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Conference abstract

Dançando ao som do bem-estar e de cidadanias jovens: Desafios e oportunidades da arte na educação

Mesquita, Joana; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Recensão Gallager, Kathleen, & Kushnir, Andrew (2022). Hope in a collapsing world: Youth, theater and listening as a political alternative. University of Toronto Press. Cenários de esperança no teatro da educação

Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

Escuelas de segunda oportunidad en España y Portugal: necesidades semejantes, distintas respuestas.

Macedo, Eunice; García-Rubio, Juan

Journal article

Growing up in a never-ending crisis: Youth transitions and aspirations in Portugal

Nada, Cosmin; Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Araújo, Helena C.


Do cumprimento da tarefa à apropriação do conhecimento e da democracia: Transferibilidade de práticas promissoras na aprendizagem através de diferentes contextos educativos – Recomendações e implicações políticas

Macedo, Eunice; Teixeira, Elsa Guedes; Carvalho, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Mas afinal o que têm a dizer Illich, Freire e Guevara?

Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

La Universidad y el Aprendizaje en Servicio en la promoción de la ciudadanía y la inclusión: informes de experiencia sobre la intervención educativa en el contexto deportivo

Silva Días, Teresa; Castanheira Pais, Sofia; Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

Pedagogia freiriana e pedagogias feministas: (Des)encontros e diálogos (im)possíveis? [Freirian pedagogy and feminist pedagogies: (mis)matches and (im)possible dialogues?]

Macedo, Eunice


A educação como experiência ética, estética e solidária: Buscando inspiração em Freire

Book chapter

Ação-reação… Resistir, resistir, resistir! Esperançar!: Prefaciando a obra “Paulo Freire e a práxis pedagógica na contemporaneidade”

Book chapter

Caminhando com Freire, inspiração, criação e partilha em busca de lugar

Book chapter

Teachers’ understanding of the contribution of shared arts experiences to their professional development

Clough, Nick; Tarr, Jane

Book chapter

Freire, pensador incontornável: Apresentando argumentos de uma pedagogia da experiência

Book chapter

Refletir sobre a experiência, a arte como oportunidade: Um texto a quatro mãos

Book chapter

The wider arts as experiences that support young people and teachers working together

Clough, Nick; Tarr, Jane

Book chapter

Introduction to the complementary materials: CM 7: Teachers’ understanding of the contribution of shared arts experiences to their professional development

Macedo, E.

Book chapter

Introduction to the complementary materials: CM 6: The wider arts as experiences that support the development of young people and teachers working together

Macedo, E.; Hardalova, P.

Journal article

University and Service Learning in promoting citizenship and inclusion: experience reports on educational intervention in a sports context,La Universidad y el Aprendizaje en Servicio en la promoción de la ciudadanía y la inclusión: informes de experiencia sobre la intervención educativa en el contexto deportivo

Días, T.S.; Pais, S.C.; Macedo, E.

Book chapter

El arte como catalizador para el reenganche educativo de jóvenes en una escuela de segunda oportunidad en Portugal [Art as a catalyst for the educational reengagement of young people in a second chance school in Portugal]

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Doroftei, Alexandra; Almeida Santos, Sofia; Araújo, Helena

Journal article

Drawing lessons from early school leavers in a social justice context: Introductory comments

Macedo, Eunice; Nairz-Wirth, Erna; Araújo, Helena C.; Szalai, Julia

Journal article

Can mainstream and alternative education learn from each other? An analysis of measures against school dropout and early school leaving in Portugal

Nada, Cosmin I.; Santos, Sofia A.; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal: Realidades, contextos y prácticas [A look at early school leaving in Portugal: Realities, contexts and practices]

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina

Journal article

Learning how to learn: The role of music and other expressive arts in responding to Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) in the STALWARTS project

Krüger, Viggo

Journal article

Tirando o máximo partido da educação privada: construção de laços e significados em uma escola de elite em Portugal

Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Visiones de jóvenes sobre su participación en medidas educativas en el Norte de Portugal: entre desafíos y oportunidades: entre desafíos y oportunidades

Macedo, Eunice; Almeida Santos, Sofia; Oliveira Doroftei, Alexandra; Costa Araújo, Helena; Nada, Cosmin

Journal article

What do young adults’ educational experiences tell us about Early School Leaving processes?

Santos, Sofia A; Nada, Cosmin; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C

Book chapter

Unveiling silence and pressures in the messages of school sex education: A path towards more egalitarian and democratic relationships

Santos, S.A.; Macedo, E.

Journal article

Making the "best" of private education: Building ties and meanings in an elite Portuguese school

Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.C.

Journal article

Democratizar a democracia: debate em torno de encontrar lugar

Eunice Macedo; Alexandra Carvalho

Journal article

Paulo Freire: da filosofia política à recontextualização no tempo atual / [Paulo Freire: from political philosophy to recontextualisation in the present time]

Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

El arte como catalizador para el reenganche educativo de jóvenes en una escuela de segunda oportunidad en Portugal [Art as a catalyst for the educational reengagement of young people in a second chance school in Portugal]

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Doroftei, Alexandra; Almeida Santos, Sofia; Araújo, Helena

Journal article

Paulo Freire: da filosofia política à recontextualização no tempo atual / [Paulo Freire: from political philosophy to recontextualisation in the present time]

Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Pensar as sexualidades de mulheres e homens jovens, em Portugal: direitos, saber e prazer.

Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida. Corresponding author: Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

Making the "best" of private education: Building ties and meanings in an elite Portuguese school

Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Una mirada al abandono escolar prematuro en Portugal: Realidades, contextos y prácticas [A look at early school leaving in Portugal: Realities, contexts and practices].

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina

Book chapter

). El arte como catalizador para el reenganche educativo de jóvenes en una escuela de segunda oportunidad en Portugal

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Doroftei, Alexandra; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Tackling early school leaving: Principals’ insights into Portuguese upper secondary schools

Araújo, H.C.; Macedo, E.; Santos, S.A.; Doroftei, A.O.; Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia A.; Doroftei, Alexandra O.

Journal article

Routes of construction of knowledge, expression and participation: How do young people (re)create citizenship?,Roteiros de coconstrução de conhecimento, expressão e participação: Como pessoas jovens (re)criam cidadania?

Garcia, A.D.; Macedo, E.; Queirós, J.

Journal article

Celebrando Paulo Freire: novos e velhos desafios na educação / [Celebrating Paulo Freire: new and old challenges in education]

Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice; Romão, José Eustáquio; Geraldi, Wanderey

Other output

Crossing glances between action and research: Portuguese experience on practice-based enquiries

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra

Other output

Music-centred and arts-based experience in the Educational Sciences master course: the Portuguese accredited programmes

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra

Other output

Portuguese STALWARTS report against project¿s priorities, objectives and target groups

Carvalho, Alexandra; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Abandono escolar e "abandono escolar precoce" em foco em dois projetos de pesquisa: o Projeto RESL.EU e o Projeto EDUPLACES.

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia; Nada, Cosmin

Journal article

Celebrando Paulo Freire: novos e velhos desafios na educação / [Celebrating Paulo Freire: new and old challenges in education]

Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice; Romão, José Eustáquio; Geraldi, Wanderey

Journal article

Tackling early school leaving: Principals’ insights into Portuguese upper secondary schools

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra Oliveira

Conference paper

Conclusões do Eixo 4 – Educação e Tecnologias Digitais

Caramelo, João; Macedo, Eunice


Educational trajectories of early school leavers in Portugal: Processes and conditions of (in)equality

Santos, S.A.; Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.C.


Alternative learning arenas in Portugal: Hope for young adults?

Macedo, E.; Santos, S.A.; Doroftei, A.O.


Shaping the policies towards early school leaving in Portugal, Sweden and Poland

Araújo, H.C.; Macedo, E.; Behtoui, A.; Tomaszewska-Pekala, H.; Marchlik, P.; Wrona, A.; Rocha, C.

Journal article

Intertextualidade em Freire: Pedagogia da Esperança ao encontro da Pedagogia do Oprimido, continuidades e pensamento novo

Eunice Macedo; Alexandra Carvalho

Journal article

How can a second chance school support young adults’ transition back to education?

Macedo, E.; Santos, S.A.; Araújo, H.C.

Book chapter

Shaping the policies towards ESL in Portugal, Sweden and Poland

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Bethoui, Alireza; Tomaszewska-Pekala, Hanna; Marchlik, Paulina; Wrona, Anna; Rocha, Cristina

Book chapter

Shaping the policies towards early school leaving in Portugal, Sweden and Poland

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Behtoui, A.; Tomaszewska-Pekala, H.; Marchlik, P.; Wrona, A.; Rocha, Cristina

Journal article

How can a second chance school support young adults’ transition back to education?

Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Araújo, Helena C.

Book chapter

Educational trajectories of early school leavers in Portugal: Processes and conditions of (in)equality

Santos, Sofia Almeida; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.


A Longitudinal Study of Educational Trajectories of Youth at Risk of Early School Leaving.

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra

Journal article

Intenções políticas na educação: possibilidades de cidadania nacional e europeia em Portugal

Sara Filipa Pinheiro; Eunice Macedo; Helena Costa Araújo

Journal article

Cidadania nacional e europeia na educação: um olhar a partir do contexto português

Sara Pinheiro; Eunice Macedo

Journal article


Eunice Macedo

Journal article

Construindo cidadania europeia: Impactos de uma intervenção com jovens em escolas portuguesas

Andreia Caetano; Sara Pinheiro; Rita Ramos de Sousa; Alexandra Doroftei; Eunice Macedo; Pedro D. Ferreira

Journal issue

Engaging vulnerable young people in education through the Arts


A Longitudinal Study of Educational Trajectories of Youth at Risk of Early School Leaving;

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra

Other output

Addressing teacher competences: A qualitative impact study in four European countries

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Torres, Flora; Santos, Sofia A.

Other output

Addressing teacher competences: A qualitative impact study at Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Matosinhos

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Torres, Flora; Santos, Sofia A.

Other output

The FLOW experience at ESOM: Visual arts and drama in teacher practices and its impact on a case youngster (Impact Study 2)

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Torres, Flora; Santos, Sofia A.

Other output

The impact on the students and the teachers of the specific training offered to teachers involved in the LINK project: Emotion regulation strategies (Impact Study 2)

Macedo, Eunice; Carvalho, Alexandra; Torres, Flora; Santos, Sofia A.

Journal article

Engaging vulnerable young people in education through the arts: Challenges and opportunities

Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia


Policy Brief for National and Regional Level Policy Makers

Santos, Sofia Almeida; Araújo, Helena C.; Nada, Cosmin; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra


A Longitudinal Study of Educational Trajectories of Youth at Risk of Early School Leaving.

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra


Attitudes of school personnel to Early School Leaving.

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra


School-based Prevention and Intervention Measures and Alternative Learning Approaches to Reduce Early School Leaving

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra


Evaluation of Extra-muros Measures for Reducing Early School Leaving - Portugal

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra


Can geographies of privilege and oppression combine?: Elite education in Northern Portugal

Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.C.

Journal article

Construindo cidadania europeia: Impactos de uma intervenção com jovens em escolas portuguesas

Caetano, Andreia; Pinheiro, Sara; Sousa, Rita; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel


Xeno-Tolerance Supporting VET Teachers and Trainers to Prevent Radicalisation Towards the Guidelines Identification of Educational Needs to Prevent Radicalisation University of Porto

Fernandes, Preciosa; Cortesão, Luiza; Costa, Francisca; Macedo, Eunice; Mouraz, Ana; Silva, Sofia M.


Xeno-Tolerance Supporting VET Teachers and Trainers to Prevent Radicalisation. Needs assessment report. Portuguese team Report

Fernandes, Preciosa; Cortesão, Luiza; Costa, Francisca; Macedo, Eunice; Mouraz, Ana; Pereira, Fátima; Silva, Sofia M.


Xeno-Tolerance Supporting VET Teachers and Trainers to Prevent Radicalisation Towards the Guidelines Identification of Educational Needs to Prevent Radicalisation University of Porto

Fernandes, Preciosa; Cortesão, Luiza; Costa, Francisca; Macedo, Eunice; Mouraz, Ana; Silva, Sofia M.


Xeno-Tolerance Supporting VET Teachers and Trainers to Prevent Radicalisation. Needs assessment report. Portuguese team Report

Fernandes, Preciosa; Cortesão, Luiza; Costa, Francisca; Macedo, Eunice; Mouraz, Ana; Pereira, Fátima; Silva, Sofia M.


Xeno-Tolerance Supporting VET Teachers and Trainers to Prevent Radicalisation Towards the Guidelines Identification of Educational Needs to Prevent Radicalisation University of Porto

Fernandes, Preciosa; Cortesão, Luiza; Costa, Francisca; Macedo, Eunice; Mouraz, Ana; Silva, Sofia M.


Xeno-Tolerance Supporting VET Teachers and Trainers to Prevent Radicalisation. Needs assessment report. Portuguese team Report

Fernandes, Preciosa; Cortesão, Luiza; Costa, Francisca; Macedo, Eunice; Mouraz, Ana; Pereira, Fátima; Silva, Sofia M.

Conference paper

Quotidians of young people of non-dominant ethnicities around the European Citizenship [Quotidianos de Jovens de Etnias não-Dominantes em torno da Cidadania Europeia]

Pinheiro, Sara; Macedo, Eunice


Attitudes of school personnel to Early School Leaving;

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra


School-based Prevention and Intervention Measures and Alternative Learning Approaches to Reduce Early School Leaving;

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra


Evaluation of Extra-muros Measures for Reducing Early School Leaving ¿ Portugal.

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra

Journal article

Constructing European citizenship: Impacts from an intervention with youth in Portuguese schools [Construindo Cidadania Europeia: Impactos de uma intervenção com jovens em escolas portuguesas]

Caetano, Andreia; Pinheiro, Sara; Sousa, Rita Ramos de; Doroftei, Alexandra; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel

Journal article

Constructing European citizenship: Impacts from an intervention with youth in Portuguese schools [Construindo Cidadania Europeia: Impactos de uma intervenção com jovens em escolas portuguesas]

Caetano, Andreia; Pinheiro, Sara; Sousa, Rita Ramos de; Doroftei, Alexandra; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel


Attitudes of school personnel to Early School Leaving.

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra


School-based Prevention and Intervention Measures and Alternative Learning Approaches to Reduce Early School Leaving

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra


Evaluation of Extra-muros Measures for Reducing Early School Leaving - Portugal

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida; Doroftei, Alexandra


The evaluation of intra-muros interventions to reduce early school leaving - Portugal.

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra; Santos, Sofia Almeida

Journal article

Violência entre parceiros íntimos (vpi): problema e sintoma no panorama das violências sobre as mulheres

Eunice Macedo; Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas - Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do P; Portugal

Journal article

The construction of early school leaving as a political concept under the lenses of sociology of education,La construcción del abandono temprano de la escuela como concepto político: Un análisis en la

Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.-C.; Magalhães, A.; Rocha, C.

Other output

Conscientização e aprendizagem pela conversa: empoderamento e renovação democrática de comunidades locais

Macedo, Eunice; Macedo, Amélia

Journal article

Early school leaving and beyond

Noel, Clycq; Timmerman, Christiane; Macedo, Eunice; Rocha, Cristina; Araújo, Helena C.

Journal article

Early school leaving in Portugal: Policies and actors' interpretations

Magalhães, António M.; Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Rocha, Cristina


The evaluation of intra-muros interventions to reduce early school leaving ¿ Portugal.

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra; Santos, Sofia Almeida


The evaluation of intra-muros interventions to reduce early school leaving - Portugal.

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra; Santos, Sofia Almeida


Early School Leaving in the European Union: Data Availability and Reporting

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Doroftei, Alexandra


Theoretical and methodological framework on Early School Leaving

Araújo, Helena; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra


Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]

Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos

Journal article

Configuração educativa em Portugal, em globalização e europeização: Que riscos para a democratização?

Eunice Macedo; Helena Costa Araújo

Journal article

Parents’ associations and municipal education policies: Building networks,Associations de parents et politics d’ education municipal: les réseaux en construction,Associações de pais e política educativa municipal: Redes em construção,Asociaciones de padres e políticas educativas municipales: Redes en construcción

Silva, M.; Doroftei, A.O.; Macedo, E.; Costa, I.; Sousa, F.; Araújo, H.C.

Journal article

Young Portuguese construction of educational citizenship: Commitments and conflicts in semi-disadvantaged secondary schools

Macedo, E.; Araújo, H.C.

Edited book

Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação (Comissão Europeia) [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action (European Commission)]

Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel


Policies on Early School Leaving in Nine European Countries: A Comparative Analysis

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Disseminating the european political common grammar in education: ESL as a EU concern

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Education/social and measures regarding ESL in nine partner countries

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Goals, drivers and rationales of youth policies with regard to ESL

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António M.; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice

Book chapter

Ser ¿sujeito inteiro¿ em educação: Das possibilidades de cidadania educacional

Clough, Nick; Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena C.

Edited book

Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação (Comissão Europeia) [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action (European Commission)]

Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel


Early School Leaving in the European Union: Data Availability and Reporting;

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Doroftei, Alexandra


Theoretical and methodological framework on Early School Leaving;

Araújo, Helena; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra


Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]

Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos

Online resource

Mapa de conceitos. In Uma nova narrativa para a Europa [Brochura Pedagógica] (pp. 22-23). Lisboa: Representação da Comissão Europeia em Portugal.

Carvalho, Alexandra; Macedo, Eunice

Journal article

Associações de pais e política educativa municipal: redes em construção (SCOPUS, SCIELO)

Silva, Marisa; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Macedo, Eunice; Costa, Isabel; Sousa, Florbela; Araújo, Helena Costa


Building the Pillars of the European Project with Young People in Schools: Information, Reflection and Action Guide [Construindo Pilares do Projeto Europeu com Jovens nas Escolas: Guião de Informação, Reflexão e Ação]

Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena Costa; Doroftei, Alexandra Oliveira; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos de


Policies on early school leaving in nine European countries: A comparative analysis

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice


Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]

Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos

Book chapter

Disseminating the European political grammar in education: ESL as a EU concern

Araújo, Helena C.; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice


Early School Leaving in the European Union: Data Availability and Reporting;

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Doroftei, Alexandra


Theoretical and methodological framework on Early School Leaving;

Araújo, Helena; Magalhães, António; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Doroftei, Alexandra


Formulation of a Common Working Definition of ESL: International Contributions

Araújo, Helena; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Doroftei, Alexandra


Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos

Journal article

In the quest for equality of condition: Women's situation in Belgium, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Portugal

Macedo, E.; Santos, S.A.


Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita


Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita R.


Formulation of a Common Working Definition of ESL: International Contributions;

Araújo, Helena; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Doroftei, Alexandra


Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos


Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita


Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]

Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita


Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos


Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]

Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos; et al


Formulation of a Common Working Definition of ESL: International Contributions;

Araújo, Helena; Rocha, Cristina; Macedo, Eunice; Magalhães, António; Doroftei, Alexandra

Journal article

Exclusões, poderes e (sub)culturas

Aguiar, João Valente; Areosa, João; Azevedo, Sissi; Bezerra, Roselane Gomes; García, Ana I. Blanco; Gomes, Silvia; Macedo, Eunice; et al

Journal article


cidadania educacional; voz; educação; rankings das escolas.; MACEDO, Eunice; ARAÚJO, Helena Costa

Journal article

Vozes poderosas de jovens de elites económicas portuguesas

Macedo, Eunice; Eunice Macedo


Applied interculturality research in education: Abstract book

Malafaia, Carla; Mouraz, Ana; Menino, Conceição; Macedo, Eunice; Temudo, Eva; Many, Eric; Barbieri, Helena; et al


Discutindo autonomia relativa com professores: A indisciplina como (contra)argumento

César, Filipa; Cortesão, Luiza; Macedo, Eunice; Nunes, Rosa; Madeira, Rosa

Journal article

Percursos de elites económicas jovens. Portugal. Séc. XXI: Vozes, mais ou menos, poderosas e prospecções de vida

MACEDO, Eunice

Journal article

Cidadania e vozes jovens em educação

Macedo, Eunice; Araújo, Helena Costa

Conference paper

Testing the impact of innovative pedagogies for higher education

Clough, N.; Tarr, J.; Macedo, E.; Cortesao, L.

Journal article

Still in between paid and unpaid work? Women’s discussion about their situation in Belgium, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and Portugal ; Vis dar tarp apmokamo ir neapmokamo darbo? Moteru nuomone apie ju padeti Belgijoje, Lietuvoje, Nyderlandu karalysteje ir Portugalijoje

Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida

Journal article

Still in between work and care? Women discussion about Belgium, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Portugal.

Macedo, Eunice; Santos, Sofia Almeida