Integrated Members
Associate professor
CIIE/Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
+ 351 226 079 743 (ext 223)
My primary research interests have been concentrated within the sphere of social and educational policies, with a particular focus on the pervasive issue of social inequality. My overarching aim has been to cultivate scholarship that not only contributes to the advancement of knowledge but also holds tangible societal relevance with transformative potential. To achieve this goal, I have undertaken research funded by national and international agencies. With respect to nationally-funded research, I highlight that conducted under the auspices of the Portuguese Social Security, targeting the alleviation of poverty and the mitigation of social exclusion. This work entailed the generation of evidence-informed recommendations intended to inform the formulation and implementation of social and educational policies. Additionally, I spearheaded a research and intervention project on conflict mediation, funded by FCT (PTDC/CED/66812/2006), which culminated in receiving an evaluation score of A from the FCT evaluation panel upon its completion in 2010. More recently, I have taken up leadership roles within the University of Porto's participation in research projects such as the FCT-funded EDUPLACES project ("Locais Educadores: práticas, vozes e percursos de educação inclusiva") and the Horizon 2020-funded YOUNG_ADULLLT project ("Policies Supporting Young Adults in their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe"), wherein I directed a Work Package. Presently, I serve as Co-Principal Investigator for the FCT-funded project "Equity through PISA: results and discourses," and as coordinator of the University of Porto's involvement in the European Commission-funded project "CLEAR ¿ Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe: A Multi-Level Analysis of (Under)Achievement in the Life Course" (HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01, Grant agreement No. 101061155). Over the past nearly 15 years, I have also been conducting research into secondary schools' rankings, grade inflation, and the efficacy of compensatory education. These topics, which have significant societal and political implications, have been providing a solid, long-standing, fertile ground for the continuation of my research on social and educational policies. Moreover, they have enabled my work to extend its impact through frequent participation in the media and, more recently, in a consulting role with the Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (General Directorate for Higher Education). Currently, I am an Associate Professor and hold the position of Director of the Doctoral Program in Education Sciences at the University of Porto, where I am committed to nurturing scholarly excellence and fostering critical inquiry within the field.
2006 – Ph.D in Education Sciences - Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
1997 – Master in Contemporary Urban Studies - Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK (equivalent to the Master in Criminology - Faculty of Law of University of Porto, Portugal, 1999)
1995 – Degree in Sociology - Faculty of Arts of University of Porto
Social and educational inequalities; access to higher education; effectiveness of compensatory education programs; relationship between civic and political participation and school performance; conflict mediation.
CLEAR – Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe: A Multi-Level Analysis of (Under)Achievement in the Life Course
The CLEAR research project responds to the Horizon Europe’s Call HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-04: Addressing poor learning outcomes in basic skills and early school leaving at national, regional and local level in Europe and seeks to better understand the factors that affect the quality and the construction of learning outcomes in Europe.
The specific approach of CLEAR is centred on the process of constructing learning outcomes, which we interpret as the result of manifold intersecting factors and people: institutional arrangements, spatial and socio-economic determinants, discursive and socio-cultural influences, as well as individual experiences, dispositions, cognitive and psycho-emotional abilities.
CLEAR’s overall aim is to examine the combination of multiple factors shaping learning outcomes and thus affecting their quality. Based on a better understanding of the processes of constructing learning outcomes, CLEAR inquiries into the impact of policies to boost achievement and tackle underachievement, design participative activities at local level that spark innovative policy solutions and increase social upward mobility for young people.
Educational equity through PISA: results and discourses
Equity has been and still is one major challenge for educational systems around the world. Since its inception, in 2000, OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) aims at providing countries and policy makers with comparable quality information and analyses about educational systems to inform their decision-making process. The present project is developed around three (related) broad objectives, all hinging the overarching relation between equity and countries’ participation in PISA.The first objective departs from the fact that, 20 years after PISA’s first wave, the literature is yet to address a crucial question: have participating countries improved their equity levels since they started to take part in PISA? Furthermore, is it possible to identify dimensions related to the systematic improvement or decrease in equity? To answer these questions constitute the first objective of this project. We propose to achieve this by analysing the longitudinal evolution of countries’ PISA equity indicator, i.e., the proportion of performance variance that can be explained by each student’s economic, social and cultural status (ESCS). This will allow an assessment of how well countries have been at integrating PISA’s results and lessons and improving their equity, as well as to identify countries (if any) that have been more (or less) successful in curbing the proportion of performance explained by the students ESCS. Consequently, we propose to probe for meaningful predictors of countries changes in equity levels within an array of existing variables. The second objective takes advantage of the robustness of PISA’s assessments and sampling, using it as tool for gauging the impact of policies that aim to increase equity in Portugal. The importance of this exercise is paramount if one takes notice that in the Portuguese context, the effectiveness of equity policies is seldom (if ever) assessed longitudinally by objective data, as one can testify by the lack of such evaluations of the national compensatory education programme (TEIP), which is, countrywide, the most comprehensive programme that clearly aiming at equity improvement. Through desk research and literature review, as well as through expert consultation via interviews and/or focus groups, we expect to thoroughly identify implemented equity policies in the Portuguese context and their expected impact. The confrontation of the expected impact with the actual change in equity levels in the last 20 years (resorting to the PISA analysis regarding Portugal) represents an invaluable opportunity to assess and discuss equity’s policy effectiveness.
The third objective steams from the recognition that the worldwide circulation of PISA’s results is mediated by processes of selection, reinterpretation, and re-contextualization by key actors that ultimately reconfigure the existing discourses about it in the public sphere. Thus, an additional goal of this project hinges on how PISA and its impact on equity are framed and (re)interpreted by primal stakeholders, namely policy makers, the scientific community and the media (regular and social). We pursue this objective by first interviewing (individually or through focus-groups) experts on the subjects under study, i.e., equity and/or PISA, exploring how the interviewed regard the importance (or its lack) of PISA for equity promotion, as well as the mechanisms through which the PISA operates and impacts the educational field. Furthermore, we also propose to analyse how news about PISA and equity have been framed and discussed in (Portuguese) regular and social media. Results will map the perspectives and discourses that circulate in the general and social media about this topic, providing yet another layer to understand how PISA impacts and is used within educational equity debates, beyond PISA results and reports.
Societies can only stand as democratic and fair to the extent to which they can get rid of their inequities. We
Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas - CIIE Porto
O CIIE tem por missão a investigação científica, a intervenção e a divulgação em educação, visando contribuir para 1) o reforço do espaço público da educação, 2) o papel da educação na promoção da justiça social, na redução das desigualdades; e 3) o aumento das qualificações científicas e profissionais. Em 2019 o CIIE pretende continuar a: ¿ Desenvolver investigação de elevada qualidade, através de uma abordagem interdisciplinar realizando projetos nacionais e internacionais; ¿ Apoiar a formação de jovens investigadores e profissionais, especialmente através do desenvolvimento de programas de formação pós-graduada de excelência, designadamente o Programa Doutoral em Ciências da Educação da UP, e de supervisão de elevada qualidade; - Reforçar a mobilidade e a partilha internacional de conhecimento, aprofundando a participação existente em redes e consórcios transnacionais e a colaboração bilateral e alargando e diversificando as colaborações internacionais, designadamente no espaço europeu e com PALOP; ¿ Ampliar a disseminação alargada dos resultados de pesquisa, nomeadamente através da publicação em revistas internacionais, da continuidade de linha editorial própria e da organização de seminários e conferências abertas à comunidade; ¿ Fornecer serviços de expertise, avaliação e consultoria para agências governamentais e locais, empresas, escolas, etc. e aprofundar o diálogo com a sociedade civil e stakeholders. Parte significativa do trabalho a realizar fundar-se-á no desenvolvimento do elevado número de projetos internacionais, e também nacionais, em curso no Centro. O trabalho em ¿comunidades de prática de investigação¿ (COPIN) como espaços de formação e produção será aprofundado. Continuar-se-á a procurar prosseguir a senda de sucesso ao nível de candidaturas de projetos a financiamento, a melhorar condições de acolhimento e formação para jovens investigadores, assim como a melhoria da qualidade e impacto da publicação científica. Torna-se absolutamente necessário: financiamento para traduções e proofreading de artigos a submeter a revistas internacionais; prosseguir a publicação da ESC; adquirir computadores (com o reduzido montante atribuído, apenas é possível contabilizar aquisição de 2); participação em congressos (de lembrar que o CIIE tem mais de 100 membros, tornando-se ridículo o exíguo nº de participações em congressos que conseguirá garantir); vinda de consultores externos; overheads¿ O sucesso do Centro do Centro é em larga medida fruto de financiamento não-nacional e de trabalho excessivo da equipa que será incomportável a curto prazo com o financiamento plurianual residual atribuído pela FCT a partir de 2015. Efetivamente, o CIIE passou a contar com ¿38.854,00, o que não é condizente com a 2ª melhor classificação obtida no painel de CE (21/25) na última avaliação. Passou a haver apenas orçamento para RH (2 membros no staff de apoio), e não considerando a FCT elegíveis despesas com vencimentos de uma das técnicas por efetivação (forçosa com término de contrato anterior), encontra-se o CIIE numa posição francamente desagradável e delicada, mesmo no interior da FPCEUP. Assim, voltamos a solicitar o reforço do financiamento de montante pelo menos igual ao do período anterior a 2015 com vista a assegurar o normal funcionamento do CIIE ao longo do ano de 2019. ¿ Despesas com recursos humanos ¿ encargos com uma das técnicas do staff, neste momento com bolsa (BTI): ¿10.650,00 euros (¿745 * 12 meses + seguro social voluntário e seguros de acidentes pessoais) ¿ Em missões de membros da equipa prevêem-se: 8 deslocações nacionais: ¿1680 (cada: viagem, 1 noite de alojamento e registo ¿ ¿60 + ¿70 + ¿80); 6 deslocações ao estrangeiro para participação em eventos científicos e meetings de projetos de relevância internacional: ¿3900 (cada: viagem, 2 noites de alojamento e registo ¿ ¿300 + (¿100 * 2) + * 150); prevê-se também a vinda ao Centro de consultores nacionais ou estrangeiros (despesas de deslocação e alojamento), desig
Art and Citizenship Laboratory
Responsible for the FPCEUP in the project Art and Citizenship Laboratory. Funded by the program Cidadãos Ativ@s - EEA Grants (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) managed in Portugal by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in partnership with the Bissaya Barreto Foundation (total funding: €62,314.18). This project proposes the development of artistic creation and civic participation spaces aimed at 70 young people in conflict with the law (serving educational guardianship measures and in prison), especially those who show failure and dropout trajectories, promoting the activation of social and personal skills for inclusion and employability. Duties: evaluation of the intervention developed by PELE - Espaço de Contacto Social e Cultural, coordinating entity of the project, and pedagogical coordination of the project.
Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe
Most European Lifelong Learning (LLL) policies have been designed to create economic growth and, at the same time, guarantee social inclusion (EC 2010). First, we will study how different LLL policies are compatible with each other in terms of their orientations and objectives and how each policy considers the needs of ‘young adults’. Second, we will research the intended and unintended effects of policies on young adults. In this regard, we will look into relevant social developments such as life course de-standardisation processes and into an emerging new political economy of skills. Third, we will generate new knowledge about regional and local policymaking, with particular attention to actors, dynamics, and trends. By focusing on their regional/local context, we will elucidate the interaction and complementarity of LLL policies with other sectors of society, thus contributing to a better understanding of current fragmentation and discrepancies, in order to set parameters for future decision-making support systems.
The project will first contribute new knowledge of the impact of LLL policies on young adults’ life courses, yielding insights on the conditions, strategies, and necessities for policies to become effective. In addition, it will provide insights on the innovations and potentials they unlock, in particular with view to informal and non-formal learning to better address vulnerable groups. Second, the project contributes to a better understanding of the structural relationships and functional match between education/training and the labour market sectors. Third, the project will provide a thorough review of regional policies and initiatives in the countries studied, laying bare distinct dynamics and trends, but also mismatches and redundancies. In particular, the project aims at identifying successful programmes in terms of sustainable solutions in integrating labour market with, social inclusion as well as their transferability to other contexts.
Mediation in Matosinhos (Construction of a Training-Intervention Device for the Creation of Mediation Teams and Mediation Services in the City of Matosinhos).
This project aims to set up teams of mediators (technicians from the city council and citizens living in Matosinhos) to provide mediation services in specific housing estates.
Integrating Cultural Diversity in Higher Education.
This project aims to contribute to the reform of teaching and learning in higher education and to improving the retention and success levels of migrant and ethnic minority students. HE4u2 will develop an integrated pedagogical approach to the intercultural dimension of existing curricula, in-service training courses for lecturers and policy recommendations.
Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions
The proposal will investigate young people’s views of the EU and of their role in building the EU through their participatory practices at EU, national, regional and local levels. These issues will be examined from an interdisciplinary perspective (Political Sciences, Sociology, History, Media and Communications, Education, Psychology) as building blocks for a new and groundbreaking conceptualization and theoretical model of youth active citizenship in the EU, including “psychological” citizenship and practices of social and political engagement.
To achieve this aim, the proposal will adopt an innovative approach combining traditional theoretical hypothesis testing with empirical-phenomenological analysis and allowing to integrate the perspectives of young people, as co-producers of knowledge, with those of researchers and other stakeholders. A wide range of research methods will be used including documentary and media analysis, interviews and focus groups, a cross-national longitudinal study, ethnographic case studies of participatory practices and a socially innovative intervention. These quantitative and qualitative methods will allow to develop a new, robust and cutting-edge conceptualization of youth active citizenship in the EU and new evidence-based multilevel integrated theoretical model.
This approach will offer a multifaceted understanding of the different factors influencing the perspectives of “native EU citizens” and the ways in which they engage in society, leading to groundbreaking changes in the ways in which youth engagement, participation and active citizenship are understood. Moreover, the project will provide policy makers with a set of evidence-based ideas, recommendations and instruments to integrate young people’s perspectives into various areas of policy-making. The findings of the project will thus fully cover the challenges, scope and impact of bringing the EU closer to its young citizens and boosting their participation.
EDUPLACES. Locais Educadores: práticas, vozes e percursos de educação inclusiva / EDUPLACES. Local Educators: practices, voices and paths of inclusive education.
This research aims to answer the following questions: (i) what processes and factors, logics of action and partnerships (institutional, community, local) contribute, from the point of view of the actors involved, to building inclusive education practices? (ii) what processes and factors (social, institutional, biographical) support the interruption of the negative spiral of failure and early school leaving and favour the remobilisation of young people to learn and build successful academic paths? Previous research carried out by members of the team has shown that co-operative involvement (of teachers, students, families), empowerment, mediation and democratic quality are processes that cut across socio-educational practices which, in adverse social contexts, contribute to building successful school trajectories.
Jogos Sérios no Ensino Superior: impactos, experiências e potenciais/Serious Games in Higher Education: impacts, experiences and potentials
The project proposed here focuses on how students and teachers relate to video games and serious games, particularly in educational contexts, the construction of instruments (a comprehensive grid) and the development of methodologies that support better uses of these games as educational tools and the response to gaps identified in the literature when studying their impacts (in this case, the impacts of dimensions relevant to citizenship education and socio-political development).
CLEAR – Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe: A Multi-Level Analysis of (Under)Achievement in the Life Course
The CLEAR research project responds to the Horizon Europe’s Call HORIZON-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-04: Addressing poor learning outcomes in basic skills and early school leaving at national, regional and local level in Europe and seeks to better understand the factors that affect the quality and the construction of learning outcomes in Europe.
The specific approach of CLEAR is centred on the process of constructing learning outcomes, which we interpret as the result of manifold intersecting factors and people: institutional arrangements, spatial and socio-economic determinants, discursive and socio-cultural influences, as well as individual experiences, dispositions, cognitive and psycho-emotional abilities.
CLEAR’s overall aim is to examine the combination of multiple factors shaping learning outcomes and thus affecting their quality. Based on a better understanding of the processes of constructing learning outcomes, CLEAR inquiries into the impact of policies to boost achievement and tackle underachievement, design participative activities at local level that spark innovative policy solutions and increase social upward mobility for young people.
Educational equity through PISA: results and discourses
Equity has been and still is one major challenge for educational systems around the world. Since its inception, in 2000, OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) aims at providing countries and policy makers with comparable quality information and analyses about educational systems to inform their decision-making process. The present project is developed around three (related) broad objectives, all hinging the overarching relation between equity and countries’ participation in PISA.The first objective departs from the fact that, 20 years after PISA’s first wave, the literature is yet to address a crucial question: have participating countries improved their equity levels since they started to take part in PISA? Furthermore, is it possible to identify dimensions related to the systematic improvement or decrease in equity? To answer these questions constitute the first objective of this project. We propose to achieve this by analysing the longitudinal evolution of countries’ PISA equity indicator, i.e., the proportion of performance variance that can be explained by each student’s economic, social and cultural status (ESCS). This will allow an assessment of how well countries have been at integrating PISA’s results and lessons and improving their equity, as well as to identify countries (if any) that have been more (or less) successful in curbing the proportion of performance explained by the students ESCS. Consequently, we propose to probe for meaningful predictors of countries changes in equity levels within an array of existing variables. The second objective takes advantage of the robustness of PISA’s assessments and sampling, using it as tool for gauging the impact of policies that aim to increase equity in Portugal. The importance of this exercise is paramount if one takes notice that in the Portuguese context, the effectiveness of equity policies is seldom (if ever) assessed longitudinally by objective data, as one can testify by the lack of such evaluations of the national compensatory education programme (TEIP), which is, countrywide, the most comprehensive programme that clearly aiming at equity improvement. Through desk research and literature review, as well as through expert consultation via interviews and/or focus groups, we expect to thoroughly identify implemented equity policies in the Portuguese context and their expected impact. The confrontation of the expected impact with the actual change in equity levels in the last 20 years (resorting to the PISA analysis regarding Portugal) represents an invaluable opportunity to assess and discuss equity’s policy effectiveness.
The third objective steams from the recognition that the worldwide circulation of PISA’s results is mediated by processes of selection, reinterpretation, and re-contextualization by key actors that ultimately reconfigure the existing discourses about it in the public sphere. Thus, an additional goal of this project hinges on how PISA and its impact on equity are framed and (re)interpreted by primal stakeholders, namely policy makers, the scientific community and the media (regular and social). We pursue this objective by first interviewing (individually or through focus-groups) experts on the subjects under study, i.e., equity and/or PISA, exploring how the interviewed regard the importance (or its lack) of PISA for equity promotion, as well as the mechanisms through which the PISA operates and impacts the educational field. Furthermore, we also propose to analyse how news about PISA and equity have been framed and discussed in (Portuguese) regular and social media. Results will map the perspectives and discourses that circulate in the general and social media about this topic, providing yet another layer to understand how PISA impacts and is used within educational equity debates, beyond PISA results and reports.
Societies can only stand as democratic and fair to the extent to which they can get rid of their inequities. We
Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas - CIIE Porto
O CIIE tem por missão a investigação científica, a intervenção e a divulgação em educação, visando contribuir para 1) o reforço do espaço público da educação, 2) o papel da educação na promoção da justiça social, na redução das desigualdades; e 3) o aumento das qualificações científicas e profissionais. Em 2019 o CIIE pretende continuar a: ¿ Desenvolver investigação de elevada qualidade, através de uma abordagem interdisciplinar realizando projetos nacionais e internacionais; ¿ Apoiar a formação de jovens investigadores e profissionais, especialmente através do desenvolvimento de programas de formação pós-graduada de excelência, designadamente o Programa Doutoral em Ciências da Educação da UP, e de supervisão de elevada qualidade; - Reforçar a mobilidade e a partilha internacional de conhecimento, aprofundando a participação existente em redes e consórcios transnacionais e a colaboração bilateral e alargando e diversificando as colaborações internacionais, designadamente no espaço europeu e com PALOP; ¿ Ampliar a disseminação alargada dos resultados de pesquisa, nomeadamente através da publicação em revistas internacionais, da continuidade de linha editorial própria e da organização de seminários e conferências abertas à comunidade; ¿ Fornecer serviços de expertise, avaliação e consultoria para agências governamentais e locais, empresas, escolas, etc. e aprofundar o diálogo com a sociedade civil e stakeholders. Parte significativa do trabalho a realizar fundar-se-á no desenvolvimento do elevado número de projetos internacionais, e também nacionais, em curso no Centro. O trabalho em ¿comunidades de prática de investigação¿ (COPIN) como espaços de formação e produção será aprofundado. Continuar-se-á a procurar prosseguir a senda de sucesso ao nível de candidaturas de projetos a financiamento, a melhorar condições de acolhimento e formação para jovens investigadores, assim como a melhoria da qualidade e impacto da publicação científica. Torna-se absolutamente necessário: financiamento para traduções e proofreading de artigos a submeter a revistas internacionais; prosseguir a publicação da ESC; adquirir computadores (com o reduzido montante atribuído, apenas é possível contabilizar aquisição de 2); participação em congressos (de lembrar que o CIIE tem mais de 100 membros, tornando-se ridículo o exíguo nº de participações em congressos que conseguirá garantir); vinda de consultores externos; overheads¿ O sucesso do Centro do Centro é em larga medida fruto de financiamento não-nacional e de trabalho excessivo da equipa que será incomportável a curto prazo com o financiamento plurianual residual atribuído pela FCT a partir de 2015. Efetivamente, o CIIE passou a contar com ¿38.854,00, o que não é condizente com a 2ª melhor classificação obtida no painel de CE (21/25) na última avaliação. Passou a haver apenas orçamento para RH (2 membros no staff de apoio), e não considerando a FCT elegíveis despesas com vencimentos de uma das técnicas por efetivação (forçosa com término de contrato anterior), encontra-se o CIIE numa posição francamente desagradável e delicada, mesmo no interior da FPCEUP. Assim, voltamos a solicitar o reforço do financiamento de montante pelo menos igual ao do período anterior a 2015 com vista a assegurar o normal funcionamento do CIIE ao longo do ano de 2019. ¿ Despesas com recursos humanos ¿ encargos com uma das técnicas do staff, neste momento com bolsa (BTI): ¿10.650,00 euros (¿745 * 12 meses + seguro social voluntário e seguros de acidentes pessoais) ¿ Em missões de membros da equipa prevêem-se: 8 deslocações nacionais: ¿1680 (cada: viagem, 1 noite de alojamento e registo ¿ ¿60 + ¿70 + ¿80); 6 deslocações ao estrangeiro para participação em eventos científicos e meetings de projetos de relevância internacional: ¿3900 (cada: viagem, 2 noites de alojamento e registo ¿ ¿300 + (¿100 * 2) + * 150); prevê-se também a vinda ao Centro de consultores nacionais ou estrangeiros (despesas de deslocação e alojamento), desig
Art and Citizenship Laboratory
Responsible for the FPCEUP in the project Art and Citizenship Laboratory. Funded by the program Cidadãos Ativ@s - EEA Grants (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) managed in Portugal by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in partnership with the Bissaya Barreto Foundation (total funding: €62,314.18). This project proposes the development of artistic creation and civic participation spaces aimed at 70 young people in conflict with the law (serving educational guardianship measures and in prison), especially those who show failure and dropout trajectories, promoting the activation of social and personal skills for inclusion and employability. Duties: evaluation of the intervention developed by PELE - Espaço de Contacto Social e Cultural, coordinating entity of the project, and pedagogical coordination of the project.
Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe
Most European Lifelong Learning (LLL) policies have been designed to create economic growth and, at the same time, guarantee social inclusion (EC 2010). First, we will study how different LLL policies are compatible with each other in terms of their orientations and objectives and how each policy considers the needs of ‘young adults’. Second, we will research the intended and unintended effects of policies on young adults. In this regard, we will look into relevant social developments such as life course de-standardisation processes and into an emerging new political economy of skills. Third, we will generate new knowledge about regional and local policymaking, with particular attention to actors, dynamics, and trends. By focusing on their regional/local context, we will elucidate the interaction and complementarity of LLL policies with other sectors of society, thus contributing to a better understanding of current fragmentation and discrepancies, in order to set parameters for future decision-making support systems.
The project will first contribute new knowledge of the impact of LLL policies on young adults’ life courses, yielding insights on the conditions, strategies, and necessities for policies to become effective. In addition, it will provide insights on the innovations and potentials they unlock, in particular with view to informal and non-formal learning to better address vulnerable groups. Second, the project contributes to a better understanding of the structural relationships and functional match between education/training and the labour market sectors. Third, the project will provide a thorough review of regional policies and initiatives in the countries studied, laying bare distinct dynamics and trends, but also mismatches and redundancies. In particular, the project aims at identifying successful programmes in terms of sustainable solutions in integrating labour market with, social inclusion as well as their transferability to other contexts.
Mediation in Matosinhos (Construction of a Training-Intervention Device for the Creation of Mediation Teams and Mediation Services in the City of Matosinhos).
This project aims to set up teams of mediators (technicians from the city council and citizens living in Matosinhos) to provide mediation services in specific housing estates.
Integrating Cultural Diversity in Higher Education.
This project aims to contribute to the reform of teaching and learning in higher education and to improving the retention and success levels of migrant and ethnic minority students. HE4u2 will develop an integrated pedagogical approach to the intercultural dimension of existing curricula, in-service training courses for lecturers and policy recommendations.
Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions
The proposal will investigate young people’s views of the EU and of their role in building the EU through their participatory practices at EU, national, regional and local levels. These issues will be examined from an interdisciplinary perspective (Political Sciences, Sociology, History, Media and Communications, Education, Psychology) as building blocks for a new and groundbreaking conceptualization and theoretical model of youth active citizenship in the EU, including “psychological” citizenship and practices of social and political engagement.
To achieve this aim, the proposal will adopt an innovative approach combining traditional theoretical hypothesis testing with empirical-phenomenological analysis and allowing to integrate the perspectives of young people, as co-producers of knowledge, with those of researchers and other stakeholders. A wide range of research methods will be used including documentary and media analysis, interviews and focus groups, a cross-national longitudinal study, ethnographic case studies of participatory practices and a socially innovative intervention. These quantitative and qualitative methods will allow to develop a new, robust and cutting-edge conceptualization of youth active citizenship in the EU and new evidence-based multilevel integrated theoretical model.
This approach will offer a multifaceted understanding of the different factors influencing the perspectives of “native EU citizens” and the ways in which they engage in society, leading to groundbreaking changes in the ways in which youth engagement, participation and active citizenship are understood. Moreover, the project will provide policy makers with a set of evidence-based ideas, recommendations and instruments to integrate young people’s perspectives into various areas of policy-making. The findings of the project will thus fully cover the challenges, scope and impact of bringing the EU closer to its young citizens and boosting their participation.
EDUPLACES. Locais Educadores: práticas, vozes e percursos de educação inclusiva / EDUPLACES. Local Educators: practices, voices and paths of inclusive education.
This research aims to answer the following questions: (i) what processes and factors, logics of action and partnerships (institutional, community, local) contribute, from the point of view of the actors involved, to building inclusive education practices? (ii) what processes and factors (social, institutional, biographical) support the interruption of the negative spiral of failure and early school leaving and favour the remobilisation of young people to learn and build successful academic paths? Previous research carried out by members of the team has shown that co-operative involvement (of teachers, students, families), empowerment, mediation and democratic quality are processes that cut across socio-educational practices which, in adverse social contexts, contribute to building successful school trajectories.
Jogos Sérios no Ensino Superior: impactos, experiências e potenciais/Serious Games in Higher Education: impacts, experiences and potentials
The project proposed here focuses on how students and teachers relate to video games and serious games, particularly in educational contexts, the construction of instruments (a comprehensive grid) and the development of methodologies that support better uses of these games as educational tools and the response to gaps identified in the literature when studying their impacts (in this case, the impacts of dimensions relevant to citizenship education and socio-political development).
UNIBILITY – University Meets Social Responsibility
The project aims to strengthen universities' relations with their local communities through activities based on their social responsibility. Specifically, it will develop strategies for universities to actively contribute to increasing their social responsibility among students and researchers by developing and implementing learning projects with an impact on the local community in the field of environmental, social or economic research, and develop a University Social Responsibility curriculum, which will be used to train university management members and their students.
I lead the participation of FPCEUP in the ECOAR project: Employability and Skills through Art. Project funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Active Citizenship Programme (total funding: 83,266.00). This is a project to assess and certify soft skills aimed at employability through artistic tools. The project's beneficiaries are young prisoners aged between 18 and 30 at the end of their sentence. Duties performed: evaluation of the intervention developed by PELE - Espaço de Contacto Social e Cultural, the project's coordinating organisation, and pedagogical coordination of the project.
CIDEU Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola / Construction and European Citizenship at School
The "Construction and European Citizenship at School" project is an initiative of the European Commission, mediated by the Jacques Delors European Information Centre (CIEJD). The project was developed by the Centre for Educational Research and Intervention (CIIE). Its aim is to gauge the knowledge of secondary school students in the scientific, humanistic and vocational fields on various aspects of European citizenship - the process of building the European Union, its institutional architecture, its competences and decision-making processes, as well as the exercise of European citizenship. It also aims to promote formative moments with educational content and activities that allow young people to deepen their knowledge and acquire a new sense of European citizenship. To this end, this project is embodied in a set of more specific or more transversal tasks - which go through three phases: 1) Diagnostic study; 2) Educational action; 3) Impact assessment.
O peso escondido das desigualdades sociais nos rankings escolares / The hidden weight of social inequalities in school rankings
The main aim of the project is to understand the extent to which the socio-economic conditions of a school's students determine its ranking in the rankings. To this end, we will construct (indirect) indicators on the socio-economic structure of the school fabric, either by analysing the school support granted by the state to each school, in the case of public schools, or by the amount of tuition fees charged to students, in the case of public schools. These indicators will help us understand the hidden weight of social inequalities in school rankings.
Pressionar play para activar: vídeo jogos e a educação para a cidadania de jovens / Press play to activate: video games and citizenship education for young people
The rapid changes we have seen in recent decades, which are particularly relevant when we look at the younger generations, the so-called digital natives, have led many to question how (and if) citizenship education (for these young people) could benefit from utilising the innovative and interactive features of video games and new network interaction technologies. Even considering the positive results that have been found in research into the educational potential of these tools, there is a clear lack of application-based, educationally informed, real-world studies and in particular research centred on the processes involved in producing change (of civic learning and development) in the experiences of young gamers (including the social activities linked to this experience). The project presented here aims to contribute to understanding how civic engagement can be promoted through these games, and how they (and the social interactions between players in face-to-face and online contexts, hetero- or self-managed) can favour young people's civic education and development. Knowing this is crucial to designing effective and transferable ways of intentionally using activities like these in citizenship education contexts.
Social Information Processing in Psychopathy: Patterns of Interaction and Neurophysiological Correlates in the Ultimatum Game
Psychopathy is characterized by a cluster of affective traits, interpersonal and behavioural patterns such as disregard for the rights of others, pathological lying, egocentricity, lack of empathy, violation of social norms and antisocial behavioural style.
While abnormal patterns of social cognitive functioning have been described on laboratorial situations, these data are not consistent and seem at odds with what should be expected given the behavioural patterns of psychopaths on natural settings. The experimental study on the patterns of social interaction in psychopathy through economic games, such as the Prisoner's Dilemma (PD), has globally shown that cooperation is the predominant behavioural pattern, even for psychopaths. Together with results displaying no abnormalities on social cognitive tasks, this conclusion seems inconsistent with recurrent findings in psychopathy of structural and functional brain abnormalities in structures involved in social cognition. This proposal is based on a dual-process conception of neurocognitive functioning, in which strategic and explicit reasoning (type 2) is described as a process relying on working memory, unlike implicit processes (type 1). However, we suggest that, when predicting the performance of participants on social cognitive tasks, besides considering the type of processes utilized, one should consider the interaction between each type of process. In this model, type 1 and type 2 processes may work together towards the same outcome (synergetic interaction) or may conflict and thus compete in the production of the response (antagonistic interaction).The present project is designed to test an interactive dual-process model of social cognition applied to psychopathic individuals, as described above. To this end, two versions of the Ultimatum Game (UG), in which synergy/antagonism are manipulated, will be used, while participants high and low on psychopathy scores are disabled from using type 2 processes (via working memory overload), or forced to use such processes (via gain maximizing instructions).
Projecto Estratégico - UI 167 - 2011-2012 / Strategic Project
The strategic project that CIIE presents to 2011-2012 is framed by a central focus on financed research projects and the dissemination of their outcomes as well as the training of young researchers PhD, Ma & Post-doctoral in national and international network. _There is common concern with inequalities and exclusion in education, concerns clearly expressed in recent European policy documents. Education is considered in its formal and non-formal forms. Adult education, teacher and educators training, disabilities and inclusion studies, minorities and intercultural, citizenship and gender studies, childhood and youth studies are recognised Education Sciences scientific areas in this strategic project. The project is developed along four main scientific areas 'programatic areas': AREA 1 - Politics, Policies & Participation; AREA 2 - Training, Knowledge and Education & Work Contexts; AREA 3 - Citizenship, Diversity & Historical Knowledge; AREA 4 - Innovation, Creativity and Local Development. This strategic project is centered on developing a sound articulation between research and postgraduate courses MA in Education, PhD in Education Sciences in UPorto as well as w/ other higher education institutions on the basis of international and national networks.Briefly, it may be stressed that this is a Strategic Project centered in the development of the research of its 15 Projects financed by external agencies to the Centre and the training/supervision of more than 50 PhD theses, and mainly in the dissemination of their outcomes submitting papers to international journals cited in ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS & ERIH.
RankDes: Rankings Escolares e Desigualdades / School Rankings and Inequalities
The School Rankings and Inequalities project aims to identify and analyse the relationships between the places occupied by schools in the rankings and a set of indicators - cultural, economic, territorial - that characterise the schools and/or the students who attend them. This will allow us to address one of the classic themes of the sociology of education: the relationship between school performance and social inequalities. Before moving on to the sociological analysis itself, the first step of the project consists of a technical analysis of the procedures for drawing up the rankings with a view to identifying their strengths and weaknesses, their internal consistencies and inconsistencies.
Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation
This project will examine the processes which influence democratic ownership and participation in eight European states. It will draw on the disciplines of Politics, Sociology, Social Policy, Psychology and Education to examine macro-level contextual factors (including historical, political, electoral, economic and policy factors), proximal social factors (including familial, educational and media factors) and psychological factors (including motivational, cognitive, attitudinal and identity factors) which facilitate and/or inhibit civic and political engagement and participation.
The research will be ground-breaking in incorporating the psychology of the individual citizen within its scope, and it will be distinctive in addressing the psychological processes through which political, societal and social factors have their effects upon citizens’ civic and political engagement and participation.
Young people, women, minorities and migrants will be examined as four specific groups at risk of political disengagement. The research will focus on the differences, as well as the overlap, between civic and political engagement, and on both direct and representative participation.
An innovative multi-level process model of civic and political engagement and participation will be constructed, which will explain how and why different forms and interpretations of democratic ownership and participation develop or are hampered amongst citizens living in different European countries and contexts, with particular attention being paid to the relevant phenomena at regional, national and EU levels.
Appropriate stakeholders at regional, national and EU levels will be involved in all stages of the work, to ensure that the research addresses issues of direct concern to these stakeholders, and to ensure that the policy implications and recommendations which emerge from the research meet the needs of these stakeholders and are disseminated appropriately to them.
Acção Local no Combate à Pobreza e à Exclusão Social / Local Action in the Fight Against Poverty and Social Exclusion
Developed during the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion in twelve municipalities in mainland Portugal, this study sought to understand how local players (local authorities, social networks, private social solidarity institutions, non-governmental organisations, local development agencies, etc.) organise themselves and act in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. The guiding question of the research was: "How do local actors do what they do?". The final report, published as a book, includes, as requested by the funding organisation, a set of recommendations for political decision-makers.
Mediation in the Community
This project aimed to characterise the local consequences of the current fragmentation of the macro-devices of social and legal regulation, as well as to understand the processes through which young people from disadvantaged areas develop territorial forms of deviant behaviour. As a research and intervention project, developed in partnership with ADILO - the Lordelo do Ouro Integrated Development Agency - it included the creation of a conflict mediation office that offered free mediation services to the community. The team included members with initial training in Education Sciences, Sociology, Psychology, Social Work and Law. The project included two Research Integration Fellows, who were later integrated into the research team itself.
Mediation: actors, training and professions
In Portugal, as in other European countries, the production of social cohesion appears to be a central issue, and it is in the name of this social cohesion that a set of policies has been developed that have generally translated into a discursive valorisation of the local as a device for reducing social conflict. Mediation thus emerges as an issue around which consensus tends to be generated, while at the same time it is possible to discern a more security-orientated perspective of social reproduction. This project is part of the perspective of the transformative potential of recreating social relations and deepening participatory democracy.
The empirical work focuses on case studies in the five areas covered by the project: educational, organisational, legal, environmental and social. This empirical research will be combined with a study of the social policies developed over the last 10 years.
Vivências, Percursos e Produção em Ciências da Educação: contributo para o conhecimento de uma experiência em formação e investigação / Experiences, Paths and Production in Educational Sciences: a contribution to the knowledge of an experience in training and research
This project arose from the desire and need to study Education Sciences at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences at the University of Porto and to contextualise them in relation to other higher education contexts in the same field, with the aim of contributing to the construction of visibility and the unity and identity of scientific knowledge in education. The aim is thus to analyse not only the effectiveness, but above all the meaning and forms of life that are produced in the degree. In this sense, and due to the wide-ranging nature of the project, it was divided into three analytical dimensions: (A) Search for and professional insertion of graduates in Education Sciences, (B) Students' daily lives in the Degree in Education Sciences and (C) Scientific production in Education Sciences.
Consumos problemáticos de drogas em populações ocultas / Problematic drug use in hidden populations
This project, empirically based on interviews obtained through snowball sampling, aimed, on the one hand, to problematise the notion of problematic drug use and, on the other, to reveal populations and ways of using drugs that often escape the discourse on drugs and the researchers' own gaze.
As crianças dos saberes e os saberes das crianças - as crianças, os saberes e o Estado, uma abordagem sociológica / Knowledge about children and children's knowledge - children, knowledge and the State, a sociological approach.
This project aims to understand, on the one hand, the process of social construction of childhood, and on the other, how children and childhood are experienced and understood by children and adults in their multiple social relationships. In this sense, the aim is to critically analyse the relationship between different scientifically legitimised knowledges, different forms of state and citizenship and children's access to this social category. The ruptures and continuities between the political expression of their rights and their realisation are ob
Journal article
Social and occupational profile of Mediators in Portugal: evidence and challenges
SILVA, Ana Maria Costa; Guiomar, P.; Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
Lifelong learning policies supporting young adults in two Portuguese regions
Mariana Rodrigues; Rita Queiroga; Ana Bela Ribeiro; Natália Alves; Tiago Neves
Journal article
Educational strategies to reduce the achievement gap: a systematic review
Cabral-Gouveia, Carmo; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Newspaper article
As previsíveis consequências do fim dos exames no ensino obrigatório. 24 de janeiro.
Neves, Tiago; Gil Nata
Journal article
The impact of extracurricular activities on university students’ academic success and employability
Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Tiago Neves; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
The role of emotions in critical thinking about European politics: Confronting anti-immigration rhetoric in the classroom
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Emotional and critical citizens: Portuguese students’ engagement with wicked issues in contemporary EU policy
Piedade, Filipe; Neves, Tiago; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Emotional and critical citizens: Portuguese students’ engagement with wicked issues in contemporary EU policy
Filipe Piedade; Tiago Neves; Manuel Loff; Isabel Menezes
Conference abstract
A Long Road to Educational Equity: Tracking Socioeconomic Trends Through 20 Years of PISA
Toledo, Cibelle; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Journal article
Social and occupational profile of Mediators in Portugal: evidence and challenges
SILVA, Ana Maria Costa; Guiomar, P.; Neves, Tiago
Newspaper article
Ministros da Educação e Ensino Superior em desacordo sobre ¿m dos exames nacionais
Neves, Tiago
Newspaper article
Quotas para alunos pobres que o Governo estuda introduzir não têm paralelo na Europa
Neves, Tiago
Newspaper article
As previsíveis consequências do fim dos exames no ensino obrigatório. 24 de janeiro.
Neves, Tiago; Gil Nata
Book chapter
Lifelong learning policies supporting young adults in two Portuguese regions
Mariana Rodrigues; Rita Queiroga; Ana Bela Ribeiro; Natália Alves; Tiago Neves
Journal article
Emotional and critical citizens: Portuguese students’ engagement with wicked issues in contemporary EU policy
Filipe Piedade; Tiago Neves; Manuel Loff; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
The impact of extracurricular activities on university students’ academic success and employability
Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Tiago Neves; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
The role of emotions in critical thinking about European politics: Confronting anti-immigration rhetoric in the classroom
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Educational strategies to reduce the achievement gap: a systematic review
Cabral-Gouveia, Carmo; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Emotional and critical citizens: Portuguese students’ engagement with wicked issues in contemporary EU policy
Piedade, Filipe; Neves, Tiago; Loff, Manuel; Menezes, Isabel
Conference abstract
A Long Road to Educational Equity: Tracking Socioeconomic Trends Through 20 Years of PISA
Toledo, Cibelle; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Book chapter
Lifelong learning policies supporting young adults in two Portuguese regions
Mariana Rodrigues; Rita Queiroga; Ana Bela Ribeiro; Natália Alves; Tiago Neves
Reinventar a cidadania europeia de jovens: as escolas como espaços de educação política
Filipe Piedade; Correia, Luís Grosso; Loff, Manuel; Norberto Ribeiro; Tiago Neves
Book chapter
From cases to stories to lessons: exploring landscapes of lifelong learning across europe
Marcelo Parreira do Amaral; Sebastiano Benasso; Tiago Neves; Dejana Bouillet
Book chapter
Introduction: exploring landscapes of lifelong learning policies across europe
Sebastiano Benasso; Dejana Bouillet; Tiago Neves; Marcelo Parreira do Amaral
As visões de professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Loff, Manuel; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
PISA and equity change: a scoping review
Gil Nata; Ekaterina Enchikova; Cibelle Toledo; Tiago Neves
Book chapter
As visões dos/as professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa [Teachers visions about teaching the European Union and active citizenship].
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Loff, Manuel; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Landscapes of Lifelong Learning Policies across Europe
Sebastiano Benasso; Dejana Boo; Neves, Tiago; Marcelo Parreira do Amaral
Book chapter
As visões de professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa
Loff, Manuel; Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
As visões dos/as professores/as sobre o ensino da União Europeia e da cidadania ativa [Teachers visions about teaching the European Union and active citizenship].
Piedade, Filipe; Malafaia, Carla; Loff, Manuel; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
The Gap Between Youth and Politics: Youngsters Outside the Regular School System Assessing the Conditions for Be(com)ing Political Subjects
Carla Malafaia; Tiago Neves; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
A cidadania europeia na escola: complementando o currículo
Filipe Piedade; Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Manuel Loff; Isabel Menezes; Tiago Neves
Journal article
Active citizenship: participatory patterns of european youth
Ekaterina Enchikova; Tiago Neves; Mai Beilman; Shakuntala Banaji; Vassilis Pavpoulos; Pedro D. Ferreira
Journal article
Civic and political participation of young immigrants and Portuguese
Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Editorial [Investigar em educação, II série, nº 13 (2021): Liberdade, equidade e emancipação II]
Figueiredo, Carla; Vieira, Cristina C.; Correia, Luís Grosso; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Active citizenship: Participatory patterns of European youth
Enchikova, Ekaterina; Neves, Tiago; Mai Beilman; Shakuntala Banaji; Vassilis Pavpoulos; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro Daniel
Journal article
Como é que faz para sair da ilha? O fórum de Secretários de Educação do Vale do Jiquiriçá
Ubirajara Couto Lima; Tiago Neves
Book chapter
The changing meanings of lifelong learning policies: consequences for young adults and their life courses
Neves, Tiago; Alves, Natália; Cossetta, Anna; Domovic, Vlatka; Neves, T.; Alves, N.; Cossetta, A.; Domovic, V.
Journal article
“The holiness of minute particulars”: can the community compensate for the schools’ shortfalls in affection?*
Raquel Rodrigues; José Pedro Amorim; Tiago Neves
Journal article
Educating critical citizens? Portuguese teachers and students’ visions of critical thinking at school
Piedade, F.; Malafaia, C.; Neves, T.; Loff, M.; Menezes, I.
Edited book
XV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação – Livro de Resumos [15th Conference of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences – Book of Abstracts] (ISBN 978-989-95390-2-0)
Correia, Luís Grosso; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Lifelong learning policies supporting young adults in two Portuguese regions
Mariana Rodrigues; Rita Queiroga; Ana Bela Ribeiro; Natália Alves; Tiago Neves
Journal article
Has the Portuguese Compensatory Education Program Been Successful in Reducing Disadvantaged Schools’ Performance Gaps? A 15-Year Quantitative Analysis of National Exams
Hélder Ferraz; Tiago Neves; Gil Nata
Journal article
Civic and Political Participation of European Youth: Fair Measurement in Different Cultural and Social Contexts
Ekaterina Enchikova; Tiago Neves; Sam Mejias; Veronika Kalmus; Elvira Cicognani; Pedro D. Ferreira
Journal article
O sistema educativo português e as desigualdades no acesso ao ensino superior
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
Processos que superam barreiras em educação: vozes e debates
Rodrigues, Raquel; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Has the Portuguese Compensatory Education Program Been Successful in Reducing Disadvantaged Schools’ Performance Gaps? A 15-Year Quantitative Analysis of National Exams
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder
Journal article
O sistema educativo português e as desigualdades no acesso ao ensino superior
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
Processos que superam barreiras em educação: vozes e debates [Processes that overcome barriers in education: voices and debates]
Rodrigues, Raquel; Amorim, José Pedro; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Living, doing, and learning from politics in a youth wing of a political party
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Being civic while disavowing politics: An ethnography of a youth NGO in Portugal
Malafaia, Carla; Luhtakallio, E.; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Conference poster
The role of school education on promoting active citizenship among European youth
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Correia, Luís Grosso; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
A eficácia dos programas de educação compensatória nos resultados escolares: análise do programa nacional português de educação compensatória ao longo de 13 anos
Hélder Ferraz; Tiago Neves; Gil Nata
Journal article
Being civic while disavowing politics: An ethnography of a youth NGO in Portugal
Malafaia, C.; Luhtakallio, E.; Menezes, I.; Neves, T.
Journal article
Living, doing, and learning from politics in a youth wing of a political party
Malafaia, C.; Menezes, I.; Neves, T.
Journal article
Learning about the European Union in times of crisis: Portuguese textbooks’ normative visions of European citizenship
Piedade, F.; Ribeiro, N.; Loff, M.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Regime de colaboração: duas experiências de organização cooperativa na área de educação
Lima, Ubirajara Couto; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
A emergência e evolução da educação compensatória na teoria e na prática: fragilidades e possibilidades
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Journal article
Reflections concerning ethnographic ethical decisions and neo-liberal monitoring,Monitorização neoliberal e decisões éticas na etnografia: Algumas reflexões
Neves, T.; Holligan, C.; Deuchar, R.
Journal article
Reflections concerning ethnographic ethical decisions and neo-liberal monitoring
Neves, Tiago; Holligan, Chris; Deuchar, Ross
Journal article
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder
Journal article
A eficácia dos programas de educação compensatória nos resultados escolares: análise do programa nacional português de educação compensatória ao longo de 13 anos [The effectiveness of compensatory education programmes on school results: analysis of the Portuguese national compensatory education programme over 13 years]
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Magazine article
O sistema educativo português e as desigualdades no acesso ao ensino superior. [The Portuguese educational system and inequalities in access to higher education.]
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
A emergência e evolução da educação compensatória na teoria e na prática: fragilidades e possibilidades
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Qualitative Analysis. National Report Portugal. YOUNG_ADULLLT Working Paper
Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Rodrigues, Mariana; Neves, Tiago; Queiroga, Rita; Alves, Natália; Almeida, António J.
Policy Mapping and Review: Professional Courses ¿ Cursos Profissionais. YOUNG ADULLLT Policy Brief
Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Rodrigues, Mariana; Neves, Tiago; Rodrigues, Mariana; Queiroga, Rita; Guimarães, Paula; Alves, Natália; Almeida, António L.; Almeida, António J.
Online resource
Communicating Research ¿ Planning, Challenges and Lessons from Policy Roundtables. YOUNG_ADULLLT Newsletter No. 6
Neves, Tiago; Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Rodrigues, Mariana
Conference poster
The role of school education on promoting active citizenship among European youth
Malafaia, Carla; Piedade, Filipe; Ribeiro, Norberto; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Correia, Luís Grosso; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil. Corresponding author: Ferraz, Hélder
Magazine article
O sistema educativo português e as desigualdades no acesso ao ensino superior. [The Portuguese educational system and inequalities in access to higher education.]
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
A emergência e evolução da educação compensatória na teoria e na prática: fragilidades e possibilidades
Ferraz, Hélder; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Journal article
Reflections concerning ethnographic ethical decisions and neo-liberal monitoring,Monitorização neoliberal e decisões éticas na etnografia: Algumas reflexões
Neves, T.; Holligan, C.; Deuchar, R.
Journal article
In-between fatalism and leverage: The different effects of socioeconomic variables on students’ civic and political experiences and literacy
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
In-between fatalism and leverage: The different effects of socioeconomic variables on students’ civic and political experiences and literacy
Malafaia, C.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
An Organization of the Theoretical Perspectives in the Field of Civic and Political Participation: Contributions to Citizenship Education
Ribeiro, N.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Book chapter
Ethnographic space-time: Culture of resistance in a 'dangerous place'
Fernandes, L.; Neves, T.; Fernandes, Luís; Neves, Tiago
Quantitative Analysis Young Adults' Data Portugal ¿ National Briefing Paper with national and regional data sets. YOUNG_ADULLLT Working Paper
Rodrigues, Mariana; Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Neves, Tiago; Almeida, António J.; Alves, Natália; Queiroga, Rita
Launching and research design. State of the art report. YOUNG_ADULLLT Working Paper
Weiler, Anne; Schaufler, Sarah; Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo; Ganter de Otero, Jan Peter; Wutzkowsky, Franziska; Valiente, Oscar; Neves, Tiago; Ribeiro, Ana Bela
Qualitative analysis Portugal: National report
Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Rodrigues, Mariana; Neves, Tiago; Queiroga, Rita; Alves, Natália; Almeida, António L.
Quantitative analysis young adults¿ data: Portugal national report
Rodrigues, Mariana; Ribeiro, Ana Bela; Neves, Tiago; Queiroga, Rita; Alves, Natália; Almeida, António L.
Journal article
Immigration and the ambivalence of the school: Between inclusion and exclusion of migrant youth
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Linking learning contexts: The relationship between students' civic and political experiences and their self-regulation in school
Malafaia, Carla; Teixeira, Pedro; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Os cidadãos continuam a ter direito à democracia: Discursos de jovens estudantes sobre as manifestações anti-austeridade em Portugal [Citizens still have a right to democracy: Discourses of young students about the anti-austerity demonstrations in Portugal]
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Immigration and the Ambivalence of the School
Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia; Tiago Neves; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Social inequality in access to higher education: grade inflation in private schools and the ineffectiveness of compensatory education
Neves, T.; Ferraz, H.; Nata, G.
Journal article
Civic and political participation of young immigrants and Portuguese,Participação cívica e política de jovens imigrantes e portugueses
Ribeiro, N.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Linking learning contexts: The relationship between students' civic and political experiences and their self-regulation in school
Malafaia, C.; Teixeira, P.M.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
“Os cidadãos continuam a ter direito à democracia”: discursos de jovens estudantes sobre as manifestações anti-austeridade em Portugal.
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Journal article
Participação cívica e política de jovens imigrantes e portugueses
Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
A validação e certificação de competências pessoais e sociais [The validation and certification of personal and social skills].
Neves, Tiago; Guedes, Mafalda
Lifelong Policies: Mapping, reviewing and analysis. National Report Portugal
Alves, Natália; Queiroga, Rita; Guimarães, Paula; Almeida, António J.; Cavaco, Carmen; Neves, Tiago; Ribeiro, Ana Bela; et al
Journal article
Os cidadãos continuam a ter direito à democracia: Discursos de jovens estudantes sobre as manifestações anti-austeridade em Portugal [Citizens still have a right to democracy: Discourses of young students about the anti-austerity demonstrations in Portugal]
Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
UNIBILITY: USR-Toolkit of Practices
Resch, K.; Fritz, J.; Uras, F.; Borcos, A.; Miret Marti, J.; Vidal Martinez, I.; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís; et al
HE4u2. Work Package 1 ¿ Stocktaking Transversal Analysis and Conclusions
Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, Amélia; Amorim, José Pedro; Neves, Tiago; Pais, Sofia Castanheira; Soeiro, Alfredo
WORK PACKAGE 1 ¿ Stocktaking for project HE4u2
Menezes, Isabel; Lopes, Amélia; Neves, Tiago; Amorim, José Pedro; Pais, Sofia; Soeiro, Alberto
Journal article
Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: Perceptions of young people from immigrant and non-immigrant background in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Neves, Tiago; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
"You study people . . . that's ugly!": The implications of ethnographic deceptions for the ethnographer's ethics
Neves, Tiago; Malafaia, Carla
Journal article
Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: perceptions of young people from immigrant and non-immigrant background in Portugal
Ribeiro, N.; Malafaia, C.; Neves, T.; Ferreira, P.D.; Menezes, I.
Book chapter
‘You study people... That’s ugly!’ - The implications of ethnographic deceptions for the ethnographer’s ethics
Neves, Tiago; Malafaia, C.
Journal article
Europe as a beacon of democracy? Citizenship policies relating to youth and migrants in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
O desempenho escolar de jovens portugueses: Um estudo comparativo entre escolas públicas e privadas, em contexto rural e urbano [The academic performance of young Portuguese people: A comparative study between public and private schools, in urban and rural settings]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Head teachers’ perceptions of secondary school rankings: Their nature, media coverage and impact on schools and the educational arena
Neves, T.; Pereira, M.J.; Nata, G.
Journal article
Europe as a Beacon of Democracy? Citizenship Policies Relating to Youth and Migrants in Portugal
Ribeiro, N.; Malafaia, C.; Fernandes-Jesus, M.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Journal article
Unfairness in access to higher education: a 11 year comparison of grade inflation by private and public secondary schools in Portugal
Nata, G.; Pereira, M.J.; Neves, T.
Journal article
Educação para a cidadania em Portugal: Contributos para analisar a sua evolução no currículo escolar Português
Ribeiro, N.; Neves, T.; Menezes, I.
Construindo pilares do projecto europeu com jovens nas escolas: informação, reflexão e ação
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro; Araújo, Helena; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Ramos Sousa, Rita
Book chapter
O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos
Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Book chapter
O desempenho escolar de jovens portugueses: um estudo comprativo entre escolas públicas e privadas, em contexto rural e urbano
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Book chapter
O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos. [The Impact of the TEIP Programme on the Results of National Exams over 12 Years].
Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Book chapter
O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos
Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Book chapter
O desempenho escolar de jovens portugueses: Um estudo comparativo entre escolas públicas e privadas, em contexto rural e urbano [The academic performance of young Portuguese people: A comparative study between public and private schools, in urban and rural settings]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Building the Pillars of the European Project with Young People in Schools: Information, Reflection and Action Guide [Construindo Pilares do Projeto Europeu com Jovens nas Escolas: Guião de Informação, Reflexão e Ação]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena Costa; Doroftei, Alexandra Oliveira; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos de
Book chapter
O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos. [The Impact of the TEIP Programme on the Results of National Exams over 12 Years].
Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Book chapter
O Impacto do Programa TEIP nos Resultados dos Exames Nacionais ao Longo de 12 Anos
Ferraz, Hélder; Enes, Damiana; Neves, Tiago; Nata, Gil
Construindo pilares do projeto europeu com jovens nas escolas: Informação, reflexão e ação [Building pillars of the European project with young people in schools: Information, reflection and action]
Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Araújo, Helena; Doroftei, Alexandra; Neves, Tiago; Sousa, Cristina; Pinheiro, Sara; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Conference poster
Experiências de participação cívica e política juvenil: Efeitos do/no capital cultural, económico e educacional [Experiences of youth civic and politocal participation: Effects of/on cultural, economic and educational capital]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Civic and Political E-Participation of Young Immigrants
Carla Malafaia; Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Norberto Ribeiro; Tiago Neves; Joaquim Luís Coimbra; Isabel Menezes
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita R.
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita R.
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Conference poster
Experiências de participação cívica e política juvenil: Efeitos do/no capital cultural, económico e educacional [Experiences of youth civic and politocal participation: Effects of/on cultural, economic and educational capital]
Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Construção e cidadania europeia na escola: Guião de atividades [Construction and European citizenship at school: Activity guide]
Araújo, Helena C.; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra O.; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos
Construção e Cidadania Europeia na Escola: Guião de Atividades. [Construction and European Citizenship at School: Activity Manual]
Araújo, Helena; Macedo, Eunice; Ferreira, Pedro Daniel; Neves, Tiago; Doroftei, Alexandra; Caetano, Andreia; Sousa, Rita Ramos; et al
Journal article
Education and citizenship: Redemption or disempowerment? A study of portuguese-speaking migrant (and non-migrant) youth in Portugal
Ribeiro, Norberto; Almeida, C.M.; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Neves, Tiago; D. Ferreira, Pedro; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Perspetivas e subjetividades sobre a participação política e cívica: Jovens, família e escola [Perspectives and subjectivities on civic and political participation: Youngsters, family, and the school]
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
The gap between "rhetoric" and "reality": Portuguese immigration policies and the visions of associations' leaders and young Angolans.
Ribeiro, N; Malafaia, C; Fernandes-Jesus, M; Neves, T; Coimbra, J L; Menezes, I
Journal article
Education and Citizenship: Redemption or Disempowerment? A Study of Portuguese-Speaking Migrant (and Non-Migrant) Youth in Portugal
Norberto Ribeiro; Carla Malafaia Almeida; Maria Fernandes-Jesus; Tiago Neves; Pedro D. Ferreira; Isabel Menezes
Journal article
Etnografia das drogas no Bairro do Cerco do Porto: a economia subterrânea
Neves, Tiago
Gestão de conflitos: Uma experiência, um guia [Conflict resolution: an experience, a guide]. Porto: Livpsic.
Neves, Tiago
Neves, Tiago, Bloemers, Wolf, Johnstone, David, Magalhães, António M., & Cutileiro, Leonor (Eds.) (2012). Education and research on social inclusion in Europe: Taking stock of an experience
Neves, Tiago
Education and research on social inclusion in Europe: taking stock of an experience.
Neves, Tiago
Acção Local no Combate à Pobreza e Exclusão Social
Neves, Tiago; Cruz, Isabel; Silva, Maria do Rosário
Book chapter
Perspectivas e subjectividades sobre a participação política e cívica: jovens, família e escola.
Malafaia, Carla; Jesus, Maria-Fernandes; Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago
Gestão de conflitos: Uma experiência, um guia [Conflict management: An experience, a guide]
Neves, Tiago; Malafaia, Carla
Book chapter
Perspetivas e subjetividades sobre a participação política e cívica: Jovens, família e escola [Perspectives and subjectivities on civic and political participation: Youngsters, family, and the school]
Malafaia, Carla; Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Menezes, Isabel
Book chapter
Comentários e reflexões
Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Ferreira, Pedro D.; Araújo, Helena C.; Silva, Sofia Marques; Coimbra, Joaquim Luís
Book chapter
Preface: knots, flying-professors and innovation
Neves, Tiago; Bloemers, Wolf; Johnstone, David; Magalhães, António; Cutileiro, Leonor
Conference paper
(Bologna Conference) The institutional discourses and the policies of immigration in Portugal
Ribeiro, N.; Malafaia, C.; Silva, S.; Arau´jo, H.; Neves, T.
Edited book
Investigar e intervir em educação: Livro de resumos [Research and intervene in education: Book of abstracts]
Lopes, Amélia; Ferreira, Elisabete; Barbieri, Helena; Vaz, Henrique; Caramelo, João; Trindade, Rui; Silva, Sofia M.; Medina, Teresa; Neves, Tiago
Edited book
Investigar e intervir em educação: I fórum de projetos. Livro de resumos
Lopes, Amélia; Ferreira, Elisabete; Barbieri, Helena; Vaz, Henrique; Caramelo, João; Trindade, Rui; Silva, Sofia Marques; Medina, Teresa; Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
Concretização do processo de Bolonha e ajustamentos na docência universitária: Dados e reflexões sobre uma experiência
Lopes, Amélia; Vaz, Henrique; Pereira, Fátima; Neves, Tiago
Conference paper
Civic and political participation of young people in Portugal: Opportunities and constraints
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Fonseca, Laura; Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
Concretização do processo de Bolonha e ajustamentos na docência universitária: Dados e reflexões sobre uma experiência
Lopes, Amélia; Vaz, Henrique; Pereira, Fátima; Neves, Tiago
Conference paper
Opportunities and Constraints for Civic and Political Engagement of Young Immigrants: the Cases of Angolans and Brazilians in Portugal
Fernandes de Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Fonseca, Laura; Neves, Tiago; Menezes, Isabel
Conference paper
Intervenção educativa, cidadania e imigração: Dos discursos normativos à perspectiva dos jovens
Ribeiro, Norberto; Malafaia, Carla; Menezes, Isabel; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
Mediation in local educational governance: The educating cities movement in a Portuguese town
Lúcio, J.; Neves, T.
Book chapter
Concretização do processo de Bolonha e ajustamentos na docência universitária: Dados e reflexões sobre uma experiência
Lopes, Amélia; Vaz, Henrique; Pereira, Fátima; Neves, Tiago
Conference paper
Civic and political participation of young people in Portugal: Opportunities and constraints
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Malafaia, Carla; Ribeiro, Norberto; Menezes, Isabel; Fonseca, Laura; Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
Controlo da marginalidade, violência estrutural e vitimações colectivas
José Luís Fernandes; Neves, Tiago
Entre educativo e penitenciário: Etnografia de um centro de internamento de menores delinquentes [Between educational and penitentiary: Ethnography of a detention centre for juvenile offenders]. Porto: Afrontamento. 269p.
Neves, Tiago
Journal article
A defesa institucional numa instituição total: O caso de um centro de internamento de menores delinquentes
Neves, T.
Book chapter
Controlo social formal e definições de normalidade em territórios psicotrópicos
Neves, Tiago
Book chapter
Ethnographic space-time: culture of resistance in a ‘dangerous place’
Fernandes, Luís; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
O que as estatísticas nos 'contam' quando as crianças são contadas ou¿: As crianças nas estatísticas oficiais e a infância como construção social (Portugal 1875-1925)
Rocha, Cristina; Ferreira, Manuela; Neves, Tiago
Journal article
A walk on the wild side: Urban ethnography meets the Flâneur
Chris Jenks; Tiago Neves