The project Fifty Years of Teaching: Factors of Change and Intergenerational Dialogues (FYT-ID) is inspired by two sources: to provide an account of the construction of school education in Portugal in times of democracy (over the last 50 years) based on the accounts, perceptions and feelings of the teachers who lived through it; and to contribute to the identification of school and teacher training initiatives that enable intergenerational dialogue between older and younger teachers, which is currently weakened by the ageing of the teaching staff (extension of the retirement age) and the simultaneous loss of attractiveness of the profession.
The detailed description and reflections on the processes involved in the development of each project allow us to realise that the specific characteristics and conditions of each context are elements that contribute to the enrichment of the activities developed. The adaptation to the specific circumstances encountered, the identification of facilitating elements and challenges, which was an integral part of the intended results, showed that it is possible to implement plans that include intergenerational dialogues in the initial training of educators and teachers.

Amândio Graça
Ana Arcadinho
Ana Maria Vieira
Isabel C. Viana
Maria Assunção Folque
Maria João de Carvalho
Paula Batista
Ricardo Vieira

Amélia Lopes
Leanete Thomas Dotta




Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto

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