

Any effort for Social Justice should simultaneously be an effort of democratization (Fraser, 2008). Building an Education for Social Justice must address democracy in schools and the teaching of democracy. This proposal focuses on expanding the research and practice of Education for Social Justice, with a focus on democracy in schools.
The proposal is strengthened by the Institute for Human Rights, Democracy and Culture of Peace (DEMOSPAZ) and the "Hermanadas por la Justicia Social" school network. It proposes an international study involving 6 research teams from 3 European countries and 3 Latin American countries. The research reflects recent international demands for greater democratization in schools and society.
The research aims to: a)Understand the conceptions of democracy from the school community members and their praxis in the school contexto; b)Analyze the significances and political meanings that underlie the school’s democratic culture; c)Deepen knowledge and development of democracy for an education in and for Social Justice through an action-research process;
To achieve these goals, three complementary studies are proposed: i)A phenomenographic study involving 270 teachers, 60 principals, and 270 students from 6 countries, focusing on different conceptions and practices of democracy across various educational levels, contexts, and school types; ii)An ethnographic study complemented with Social Network Analysis (SNA) in at least 9 schools across 6 countries. It will involve principals, teachers, students, administration staff, and families, aiming to understand the political and social meanings of democracy within the school Community; iii)An action-research study conducted with a network of 7 schools committed to Education for Social Justice. This will follow a Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach to generate transformative knowledge on education and democracy;
The research has been designed to optimize its impact and internationalization by collaborating with DEMOSPAZ and the "Hermanadas" school network. Six teams from six countries and the RILME network will participate to strengthen the outcomes further.

It also integrated the project: Paulo Manuel Teixeira Marinho - FPCEUP

CAFTe – Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Technologies in Education

Agencia Estatal de Investigación

Preciosa Fernandes

Carla Figueiredo

Patrícia Alves

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Spain (Coord)
Consejo Interinstitucional de Investigación Educativa, Mexico
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), United Kingdom
Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez (UCSH), Chile
Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina
