

At national level, the Strategic Concept for Portuguese Cooperation 2014-2020 (Government of Portugal, 2014) prioritises Portuguese cooperation in the areas of education and training, as part of a broader strategy to develop capacities in/with Portuguese-speaking countries.  At international level, investment, debate and intervention in the area of Development Cooperation in education/training are guided by the commitments made within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Agenda. One of the targets of SDG 4, dedicated to Education, emphasises that by 2030, there should be a "substantial increase in the number of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training, in developing countries, especially the least developed countries and small island developing States". It is in this context that this research and intervention proposal is situated: "Cooperation for Quality Development: an ongoing teacher training programme in the municipality of Kuito-Bié". 
The project is a continuation and expansion of the project "Cooperation for Quality Development: a case study on teacher training in the province of Bié", funded by the Camões Institute in 2019-2020, whose general objective was to investigate the educational context of the province of Bié with a focus on teacher training, taking into account the development policies of the sector. The cooperation in the field of initial teacher training carried out in the field and the dialogue established with different educational agents, with special attention to the voice of teacher trainers and teachers at other levels of education, made it possible to identify some needs in this field and the possibility of continuing a cooperation programme aimed at ongoing teacher training. 
Similarly, the dialogues established within the scope of the Angola/Portugal Teachers and Education Network (RAPPE), a research network set up under the aforementioned project, also point in the same direction. The results of the previous project, the articulations and reflections of RAPPE and the results of the dialogues between the partners and representatives of the institutions responsible for education in the municipality and the province, support the proposal to continue the project with the central aim of developing and implementing an ongoing teacher training programme in the Kuito-Bié municipality, which can serve as a benchmark for quality training, with an impact on quality and equitable education and as a contribution to sustainable development in the targeted region. The aim is also for this training programme to be extended to the province in the future, with a view to multiplying endogenous development processes.

Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua

Leanete Thomas Dotta

Amélia Lopes

Fátima Pereira

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal (Coord);
Escola Nossa Senhora da Paz, Angola;
Escola Superior Pedagógica do Bié, Angola.
