The internationalisation of higher education has been considered one of the dimensions of university mission and quality and is an emerging context in public policy and management processes. In the scientific field of internationalisation, there is a predominance of the global North and a smaller perspective in the global South. This project, therefore, focuses on emerging contexts, making it relevant because Brazil, among other countries in the global South, does not have a consolidated public internationalisation policy for the Higher Education System. With this in mind, the South Brazilian Higher Education Network (RIES), created in 1999, with expertise in the subject and with the recent production of the Brazilian Encyclopedia of Higher Education (EBES), presents the following research problem: What evidence and proposals for the internationalisation of higher education in emerging contexts in the global South contribute to the (re)construction of public policies and university management processes? The general objective is to understand the evidence of the internationalisation of higher education in emerging contexts in the global South, looking for subsidies/indicators for the (re)construction of public policies and university management processes. The methodology is based on comparative studies (national and international) and consists of exploratory (evidence), interpretative (analysis), propositional (prospecting) and scientific socialisation stages. It is expected to contribute subsidies and indicators for the consolidation of public policies and the qualification of university management, with a view to the internationalisation of higher education in the global South.
CAFTe – Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Technologies in Education
CNPq/MCTI Nº 10/2023 - Universal 2023
Políticas Públicas;
Educação Superior;
Contextos Emergentes;
Global Sul;
Public Policy;
Emerging Contexts;
Higher Education;
Global South
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), RS, Brasil (Coord)
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciênicas da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria( UFSM), Brasil
Instituto Federal Farroupilha (IFFar),São Vicente do Sul, Brasil
Universidade Franciscana (UFN), Brasil
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Portugal
Universidade de Cruz Alta (UNICRUZ), Brasil
Universidade Federal Integrada Latino - Americano (UNILA), Brasil
Universidade Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina
Universidade da República do Uruguai (UDELAR), Uruguai
Universidade de Genebra (UNIGE), Suiça
Universidade de Lisboa (ULISBOA), Portugal
Universidade de Salamanca (USAL), Espanha