

The project “LED-EAR – Development Education and Antiracism Lab: possibilities, challenges, and effects” aims to explore challenges, possibilities, and effects of the articulation between development and global citizenship education (DGCE) and racism/anti-racism, through an intervention-research aimed at the universities of the UNorte.pt consortium (Porto, Minho, Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro).
The proposal aims to increase research, empirical knowledge and pedagogical spaces offering the articulation between DGCE and (anti-)racism in higher education. Its main results will be: i) the creation of DGCE spaces that promote reflection and specialized, sustained and critical learning around issues of racism and anti-racism (Cycle of seminars, aimed at the community in general, and DGCE & Racism Laboratory, aimed at higher education teachers); ii) the understanding of representations about the challenges, possibilities and effects of intervention in DGCE in its articulation with the specific theme of racism and anti-racism; and iii) the production of recommendations in terms of policies, practices and research on the theme of the proposal.

PCEP - Participation, Communities and Political Education

Projeto apoiado através do Financiamento Plurianual do CIIE (Financiamento Base, com a ref.ª UIDB/00167/2020), atribuído pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP. (no quadro da 2ª edição do concurso interno de apoio a projetos de investigação 2020-2023 do CIIE) (Grant no. 167/2020_conc2_05)

Global citizenship education
Antiracist education
Racism and education
Higher education

Dalila Pinto Coelho

Isabel Menezes

João Caramelo

Pedro Ferreira

Madeleine LeBourdon (University of Leeds)