

This project aims to produce knowledge along two fundamental lines of theoretical development: the first focusing on the processes of inter-structuring between work, social participation, training and personal and professional identity, developed within the framework of the social and political changes of the second half of the 20th century, in their dynamic relationship with the construction of a workers' identity in Porto; the second theoretical axis refers to the epistemological and methodological issues raised by the collection of oral history and the conditions and limits of its use within the scope of scientific research, namely concerning the exploration of its articulations with the approach of sociolinguistics (see, in particular, the state of the art, in this project).
Its conception emerges from a reflection on the work already carried out by the ‘Documentation and Information Centre on the Workers’ and Popular Movement of Porto’ at the Universidade Popular do Porto, one of the institutions participating in the project. In fact, the quality, diversity and quantity of the information collected and made available by the CDI is essential as study material for different scientific areas. This is how a team was set up, bringing together researchers from different areas of the social sciences (education, history, documentation, sociolinguistics) as well as computer science, mobilised not only by an interest in disciplinary research, but also by a multi-referential approach to the processes of building a workers' identity, seeking to constitute the object of study in its complexity. This transdisciplinary nature implies the use of analytical, validation and methodological surveillance devices which, although constructed within different domains of the social sciences, will be mobilised in such a way as to make it possible to develop scientific languages, generated by the heterogeneity of disciplinary discourses, but finding common avenues of reflection, bases for communication and mutually enriching and scientifically stimulating theoretical-practical confrontation. In this context, the inter-institutional relations between the Centre for Educational Research and Intervention at FPCEUP (inst. Prop.), Universidade Popular do Porto, the Linguistics Center of FLUP, the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Sciences should also be highlighted.
This project, therefore allows us to expect not only the results that we point out in its own place, but also a multiplier effect of its research potential, taking into account the creation of multimedia devices aimed at the widespread dissemination of research products, the availability of the information collected on the website of the UPP's Documentation and Information Centre, and intervention in the training of young people and adulT.


TEDeMoS – Work, Education, Development and Social Movements

FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

João Caramelo

Teresa Medina

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciênicas da Educação da Universidade do Porto(FPCEUP), Portugal;
Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial e Ciência de Computadores (LIACC), Portugal;
Universidade Popular do Porto (UA), Portugal.
