

The overall goal of motivatEyoUth is to support professionals working with young people (14-24), and build their capacity through competence oriented learning in preventing and reducing Early Leaving from Education and Training as well as inspiring youth to continue on viable progression pathways.
To achieve this goal, the specific objectives of the project are to: a)create an identification, prevention and intervention programme for ESL through innovative tools and activities; b)provide opportunities for continuous education to professionals directly involved with youth through open education and innovative practices; c)educate and support professionals to recognise, prevent and deal with ESL; d) build high-quality training materials and methodologies for professionals; e)motivate youth with innovative methodologies that better respond to the diverse needs of young learners today and encourage the development of their skills and pre-dispositions; f) reduce ESL levels on a local, national and European level; g)build a bridge between youth and work field concerning ESL; h) create innovative ways of communication between the target groups and relevant professionals.
The main target groups of the project are young people between 14-18 years old, youth between 18-24, classified as Early Leavers from Education and Training & experts, such as teachers, educators, youth workers, trainers, social workers, healthcare professionals, coaches, social workers, etc. It is estimated that more than 3000 youth and experts will be involved, directly and indirectly, within the project activities.
Four main Intellectual Outputs will be designed and developed: i) Experts Programme Toolkit by the University of Porto;
ii) Online game “Journey to your Future” by COMCY; iii): ICT Tool for Competence Assessment by OIC POLAND; iv) Online educational platform by Open Europe.
Overall, the project will seek to address the risks of early school leaving and to build innovative material to support youth. 

PIV – Inclusion Policies and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality


Erasmus+ Programme, European Commission

Helena C Araujo

Sofia Almeida Santos

Filipa César

Maria Jesus

Petit Pas, Italy (Coord.)
Centre for Competence Development Cyprus - COMCY, Cyprus
OIC Poland Foundation, Poland
Associacio Programes Educatius Open Europe, Spain
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
