

Associated with an international social phenomenon that assumes a fundamental dimension in the lives of citizens, especially in the younger population, sports have been overlooked in research and public policies as an educational space, a community for socialization, and a social subsystem capable of contributing to the construction of inclusive societies. This study aims to understand how participation in sports contexts is linked to the development of young athletes as engaged citizens in the construction of more inclusive societies. We seek to: a) explore the potential of sports to promote socio-educational outcomes related to the development of civic/political skills and democratic citizenship; b) encourage athlete involvement in community actions, thereby increasing their sense of belonging and levels of participation in individual and collective actions. The construction and implementation of the "YOUNG ATHLETES AS ACTIVISTS IN SPORTS" program is envisaged, based on a participatory research methodology with athletes aged 12 to 16, from two sports clubs in the metropolitan area of Porto. It is expected that the results will highlight the socio-educational significance of sports contexts as environments for promoting the citizenship of young athletes, as well as determining how the dynamics of sports contexts promote democratic and participatory experiences in young athletes.

PCEP - Participation, Communities and Political Education

Projeto apoiado através do Financiamento Plurianual do CIIE (Financiamento Base, com a ref.ª UIDB/00167/2020), atribuído pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP. (no quadro da 1ª edição do concurso interno de apoio a projetos de investigação 2020-2023 do CIIE).
Referência - 167/2020_conc1_04

Inclusive communities; Sports contexts; Community intervention; Participatory methodologies.

Carla Malafaia

Norberto Ribeiro

Sofia Castanheira Pais

Teresa Silva Dias

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
