

SIRIUS 2.0 – Policy Network on Migrant Education aims to promote co-operation between different stakeholders, support inclusive policy development and implementation at different governance levels and facilitate the integration of children and young people with migration background in education. 
SIRIUS 2.0 will build up on the results of SIRIUS - European Policy Network on the Education of Children and Young People with a Migrant Background, initiated by the European Commission in 2012. Together as the SIRIUS network, old and new partners have already developed specific methodologies and working relationships to design effective mutual learning activities between national actors and with EU actors and institutions. 
The project proposes the following activities: National and regional policy workshops for inclusive policy-making; Study visits promoting transnational learning between various types of stakeholders, such as policymakers, practitioners, migrant-led education initiatives and organisations, etc.; SIRIUS Watch, monitoring the most significant changes in policy, implementation and knowledge in the Member States; SIRIUS annual policy conference, promoting exchange and collaboration between partners and stakeholders beyond the network, as well as dissemination of SIRIUS results and recommendations. 
It is expected that the SIRIUS 2.0 activities at the national level will lead to: The fostering of networking and cooperation among national policy makers, researchers, practitioners and migrant organisations dealing with migrant education issues; The acceleration of processes of mutual learning and exchange of experience on the national and multinational level; The creation of strategic and policy documents that provide the basis for future activities, policies and practices. 
SIRIUS 2.0 will perform a knowledge brokerage function by providing evidence from research and practice for policymaking and by informing research about the unmet needs of policymakers and practitioners.

JEDI – Youth, Education, Diversity and Innovation


Comissão Europeia, Erasmus+
Ref. Erasmus+ EAC/S28/2016

Sofia Marques da Silva

Migration Policy Group (Coord.)
Migration Policy Group (MPG), Belgium (Coord.)
Don Bosco International, Belgium
European Parents Association (EPA), Belgium
Vlaamse Onderwijsraad - Vlor (Flemish Education council), Belgium
Multi Kulti Collective, Bulgaria
Forum for Freedom in Education (FFE), Croatia
Network of Education Policy Centre (NEPC), Croatia
PRAXIS Center for Policy Studies, Estonia
University Ulapland, Finland
Université de Montpellier, France
European Forum for Migration Studies (EFMS), Germany
HOU, Greece
UoWM, Greece
Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Ireland
New Communities Partnership (NCP), Ireland
Public Policy and Management Institute (PPMI), Lithuania
Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU), The Nederlands
Risbo, The Nederlands
Ostfold University College (HIOF), Norway
Educational Research Institute (IBE), Poland
CIIE – Centre for Research and Intervention in Education, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal
High Commissioner for Migration (Alto Comissariado para as Migrações – ACM), Portugal
Educational Research Institute, Slovenia
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain
Fryshuset, Sweden; African & Caribbean diversity, UK
Leeds Beckett University, UK
