

Portugal is a particular case when it comes to the political participation of young people, in that, unlike most European countries, the continuing low turnout of young Portuguese voters is not offset by their participation in other forms of political activity, which are less "elite-led" and unconventional.
Based on this assumption, the Study on the Political Participation of Young People in Portugal aims to develop a comparative analysis of the political participation of this group of the population, based on data from the European Social Survey and a representative survey to be carried out as part of this Study, using 1500 face-to-face interviews. The Study will also develop a qualitative perspective, made up of two methodological components:
- an analysis of political parties' strategies for mobilising young people, through documentary observation and interviews with party leaders and members;
- organisation of focus groups and a synthetic survey of case studies of new, unconventional and expressive (artistic/performative) forms of youth activism.
The study will be carried out in partnership between CESOP-UCP, which will be responsible for the interviews and the survey, and ICS-UL, CIIE-UP and GOVCOPP-UA, which will be responsible for designing the survey, analysing and processing the data, holding the focus groups and presenting the reports. The study is expected to begin in 2020 and be finalised in 2021. These dates are indicative as they will depend on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.

PCEP - Participation, Communities and Political Education


Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Fórum Gulbenkian Futuro)

Isabel Menezes

Carla Malafaia

Norberto Ribeiro

Pedro Ferreira

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal (Coord.)
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (Coord.)
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
