

The project is an initiative aimed at encouraging/increasing the participation of women as voters and as candidates in the European Parliament elections. The project aims to:
1) Provide resources and training for women who aspire to a career in European politics, for professionals and members of the public so as to draw up a model for training workshops and seminars for aspiring women,
2) Draw a comprehensive picture of obstacles to women´s participation in European politics,
3) Generate policy proposals to overcome these obstacles.
The activities of the project include the following: a)A comprehensive review of existing policies, data, research and theoretical background on the subject of women in politics in general, and women in the European Parliament in particular. Research will also map current political party policies and available paths for women who wish to enter politics. b)Built-up of an electronic forum and website to introduce the project to the public, and which will be updated regularly in order to inform the public/interested men and women (voters) about the project and the project´s results. The website will be active during and after the project´s duration, so as to guarantee sustainability and continuous reinforcement of voters´attitudes. c)A questionnaire aimed at media and education professionals on the subject of women politicians and the candidacy of women in the media. This will help establísh stereotypes, gauge the role of the media in the current situation and draw a model for practice through which the media can work to counter stereotypes and improve their practices. d)A questionnaire for voters, on the role of gender in voting and participation. This will help to shed light on context-specific reasons for the current democratic deficit in terms of gender. e)Interviews and focus groups with party officials and media professionals (experts´groups). The aim of these is to identify good practices for changing the existing situation of women´s political representation. f)Analysis of relevant political broadcasting, to examine the relationship between women´s participation in European elections and the image of the woman politician. Analysis will be used in the training workshops. g)Workshops and seminars for women aspiring to a career in European politics, for party officials and media professionals. These workshops will provide training and will develop a model for training gender and politics which may be used in later circumstances across Europe. The participation of experts from all the sectors (education, media, political parties, women´s NGOs) will ensure commitment to increase women´s participation. h)Production of a CD with a manual of information and advice to be distributed through the newspaper press, as well as in all the official training centres of the participant countries. i)A conference for the presentation of results.
j)The publication of a print volume, with highlights from the conference and training materials. l)Brochures to be distributed at parties, media centres, NGOs and women´s organization with relevant information and mentoring advice. The results of the project are research and the provision of training for women and those who affect the participation of women in politics, such as representatives from the media and party officials. A set of recommendations for policy makers, a training model for women aspiring to a career in politics and a volume outlining all of these will also be developed. The overall aim is to address the gender imbalance in participation in the European Parliament elections. Important data will be collected, which will shed light in an area which is of special concern to the European Union. The material produced under the project will form an invaluable tool for women and other stakeholders. In the long run, the project aims to reach the overall public by contributing to the democratic life of the Union.

PIV – Inclusion Policies and Voices: Diversity, Gender and Intersectionality

União Europeia

Helena C Araujo

Elsa Guedes Teixeira

Eunice Macedo

Sofia Almeida Santos

Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου - Cyprus
CIIE / Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto- FPCEUP
Oulun yliopisto - Finland
Rīgas Pedagoģijas un izglītības vadības akadēmija - Lithuania
