

The Deaf Language Awareness project focuses on linguistic diversity and aims to promote social inclusion through education on linguistic aspects.
The project aims to increase the access, participation and learning performance of specific audiences, particularly deaf adults who deal with language skills difficulties in their national languages.
Carter (2003) mentions that linguistic awareness refers to the development of an increased awareness and sensitivity to the forms and functions of language, and that this approach has been developed in both second or foreign language and mother tongue learning contexts, where the term "language knowledge" has occasionally been favoured.
According to Ku?era and Souralová (2014), there is a disproportion between the perception of sign language as a means of communication and the understanding of its function as a cultural and linguistic identifier by its users. Linguistic cognition is an essential part of an individual's identity and self-perception and is related to the development of their personality.
Thus, by using motivational strategies to increase linguistic knowledge among deaf adults, it is hoped to engage this population in the project as well as increase/improve their literacy skills and access to higher qualifications.
This project is being carried out by partners from four European countries, Poland, Austria, Italy and Portugal, and will have the following results: a)Increased recognition of the importance of language awareness among deaf adults; b)Increased linguistic awareness among deaf adults; c)The development of 18 e-courses in eight different languages (four sign languages / four written) with content related to linguistic knowledge and awareness.

DeafCoPIn - Deaf Studies

Comissão Europeia, Erasmus+
Ref. 2018-1-PL01-KA204-051109

Orquídea Coelho

Bruno Mendes

Associação de Surdos da Polónia (Departamento de Lodz, Lodz), Poland (Coord.)
Alpen-Adria-Universitaet, Austria
Universita Ca’Foscari, Italy
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
