

The project ‘Quality and the right to higher education: institutional strategies in Times of Globalisation’ results from the proponents working on common areas of interest in teaching and research in the two countries, with Pedagogy in Higher Education as a broader articulating construct. The aim is to explore the quality of higher education, looking more closely at the concept of quality, the policies for democratising access to higher education in times of globalisation and the challenges they face. To this end, the effects of higher education policies in both countries and aspects inherent to them will be studied, such as pedagogical quality, teaching professionalism, pedagogical knowledge and practices, and institutional strategies such as those involved in mobility programmes and actions to encourage internationalisation. Co-operation under this agreement will make it easier to compare the experiences of both countries within national and international policy frameworks that have shaped them, as well as to produce knowledge about their potential, constraints, dilemmas and challenges and how these can be framed in terms of improving the quality of higher education.


FCT/CAPES - Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica FCT/CAPES CAPES

Ensino Superior

Carla Figueiredo

Carlinda Leite

Preciosa Fernandes

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciênicas da Educação da Universidade do Porto(FPCEUP), Portugal
Centro de Ciências Humanas – CAPES - Brasil
