School self-evaluation (SEA) processes - made compulsory by law in 2002 - have been considered essential mechanisms for self-regulation and self-management of school institutions, as well as for seeking and guaranteeing quality in education. This association is based on the belief, supported by scientific research on this subject, that the production of internal, contextualised and in-depth knowledge about the school reality is capable of supporting the making of diagnoses of each school's situation. Consequently, these diagnoses can support informed decision-making in school management, with a view to resolving problems and therefore improving. Despite being a widely studied topic, there is still little knowledge about how SEA has been used for decision-making in schools. Based on these considerations, this research aims to explore how the conclusions generated by self-evaluation processes are used in decision-making about school, pedagogical and curricular management, by collecting data from school headmasters in the Greater Porto region. More specifically, this research aims to identify: 1) existing evaluation processes in school groups in the Greater Porto region; 2) type(s) of information most used in decision-making; 3) decisions made and actions/changes implemented based on information from evaluation processes.
CAFTe – Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Technologies in Education
Projeto apoiado através do Financiamento Plurianual do CIIE (Financiamento Base, com a ref.ª UIDB/00167/2020), atribuído pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP. (no quadro da 1ª edição do concurso interno de apoio a projetos de investigação 2020-2023 do CIIE)
School self-evaluation; School management; Decision-making
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal