The object of analysis of the SEARA Project was to understand to what extent the actors who intervened in the partner school exercised their relative autonomy in decision-making related to: (i) learning conditions that made it possible to bring school results closer to the conditions of ‘academic excellence’; (ii) the possibility of schools‘ and teachers’ agency over their relative autonomy throughout the management of the explicit and hidden curriculum (Bernstein); (iii) the assessment and self-assessment criteria and processes that made it possible to infer conceptions of educational success underlying educational practices; (iv) the organisation of formal and informal social contexts that structured social relations within the school; (v) the activation of social and educational mechanisms in the face of risk situations such as absenteeism, dropout, violence and even school exclusion.
The fact that an institution was chosen as the object of analysis indicated the intention to conduct an in-depth study. It was recognised that a study of this kind could contribute to a more precise understanding of some of the complex situations that interact in schools in general. Although it can be considered that issues of school success are a field that has already been thoroughly explored, given the profound transformation of the economic, social, cultural and educational contexts - both in Portugal and in Europe - analysing the new problems that have emerged from this scenario has made it urgent to develop projects such as this one.
This understanding has revealed a potential for discovering what could be at work in an institutional space that goes far beyond the school chosen for the study.
FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
( POCI/CED/57938/2006)
Instituto Paulo Freire - Portugal
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo de Adolfo Portela (ESAP), Portugal
Universidade de Aveiro (UAVEIRO), Portugal