

“Sign Language for Beginners in Europe – Spread the Sign” is an European project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, between February 2022 and January 2025. This new project emerges from the work that has been done since 2006, within several funded editions of Spread the Sign project, a free access, online, multilingual dictionary of sign languages that already counts with the participation of teams of many European countries, but that has also spread abroad European frontiers, having reached all the continents.
Besides consolidating and expanding the work accomplished in the previous editions – common vocabulary and specialty lexicon, locations in Google Maps, photos in 360º of different contexts –, this new edition has the main aims to: - Introduce sentences, questions and common vocabulary in sign language, for beginners - Create a new features consisting on the presentation of the partner countries, with information about history, traditions, cultures, gastronomy, geography, curiosities… - Create a mobile app with a quiz to make the access to sign language contents in the dictionary more interactive and pleasant. Therefore, on the one hand, we seek to keep make sign language contents available for their experienced users and those that already benefit from STS dictionary, and, on the other hand, to match the needs of new users of sign language (beginners), by providing materials that allow them to learn and to communicate easily with deaf people and deaf communities.
The introduction of new apps and quiz, seeks to increase the use of the dictionary in mobility contexts, as also as to attract more users, whether they know sign languages or not. To the educational dimension is attached a cultural dimension, that will be implemented through the presentations in sign language of the different countries, showing the richness and diversity of these languages, of the deaf communities, and of the cultures and characteristics of the countries involved. In this project, besides the long-term collaboration with the Centre for Education and Development Jacob Rodrigues Pereira (CED-JRP, Casa Pia de Lisboa), we also count with the participation of the School of Education of Porto Polytechnic Institute (ESE-IPP) as associate partner. Coordenation Thomas Lydell-Olsen, European Sign Language Centre (Suécia) Portuguese team Orquídea Coelho (Coord.) Miguel Santos Celda Morgado Jorge Pinto Paulo Vaz de Carvalho João Santos Bruno Mendes Amílcar Morais (LGP) Ângelo Costa (LGP) Carlos Martins (LGP) Isabel Reis Almeida (LGP) Isabel Morais (LGP) Joana Cottim (LGP) Ana Rio (ILGP) Ana Rodrigues (ILGP) Ana Sofia Fernandes (ILGP) Cláudia Rubim (ILGP) Sara Sousa (ILGP)

DeafCoPIn - Deaf Studies


Erasmus+ Programme, European Commission
(KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices / KA220 - Cooperation partnerships in school education) (2021-1-SE01-KA220-SCH-000024419)

Henrique Vaz

João Caramelo

Orquídea Coelho

Europeiskt Teckenspråkscenter (European Sign Language Centre, ESLC), Sweden - (Coord);
Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria;
Savez gluhih i nagluhih grada Zagreba (Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the City of Zagreb), Croatia;
Kuulmispuudega Laste Õpetajate Selts (The Estonian Association of Teachers of Hearing Impaired Children, KLÕPS), Estonia;
Rheinisch-Westfälisches Berufskolleg Essen (North-Rhine-Westphalian Vocational College for hearing impaired students - RWB), Germany;
UNIVE - Universita Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy;
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciênicas da Educação da Universidade do Porto(FPCEUP), Portugal
DeafStudio, Slovakia;
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain;
mert ozture ozel egitim meslek lisesi (Mert Öztüre Special Education Vocational High School), Turkey
United Societies of Balkans, Greece;
Vyssi odborna skola, Stredni skola, Zakladni skola a Materska skola (School for the Deaf in Hradec Kralove), Czech Republic;
Polski Zwiazek Gluchych Oddzial Lodzki, Poland;
Kauno kurciuju ir neprigirdinciuju ugdymo centras (Kaunas Educational Centre for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing), Lithuania;
Gradska organizacija gluvih Beograda, Serbia.
