

The project "Education in times of pandemic: political discourses in Portugal" aims to analyse the political-discursive construction of education (school and compulsory) in the context of a pandemic, based on discourses produced by political actors, i.e. the government and political parties with parliamentary representation.
Discussing politics as text and discourse (Ball, 2006; Codd, 1988; Olsen, Codd and O'Neill, 2005), the aim is to focus on the ways in which language is used to legitimize a particular action or project of change (Costa, 2012) and how sets of policies discursively exercise power through the establishment of 'truth' and 'knowledge'. (Ball, 2006).
Through Discourse Analysis, we will try to identify the discourses produced on education in the context of the pandemic and how they are present in various interventions by the political actors mentioned above: decree-laws, ordinances, resolutions, draft resolutions, parliamentary debates. Starting from the "standard", as a key dimension of educational policies as defined by Dale and Ozga (1991), i.e. pedagogy, curriculum, assessment and school organization, the aim is to understand how the political discourses produced in the context of the pandemic are (re)constructing the concept(s) of education in compulsory schooling.

Projeto apoiado através do Financiamento Plurianual do CIIE (Financiamento Base, com a ref.ª UIDB/00167/2020), atribuído pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP. (no quadro da 1ª edição do concurso interno de apoio a projetos de investigação 2020-2023 do CIIE)
Ref.: 167/2020_conc1_05

Policies; Discourse; Education; Pandemic.

Alexandra Sá Costa

Amélia Lopes

António M. Magalhães
