

The main aim of this project is to contribute to greater knowledge, reflection and problematisation on the current challenges, potential, risks and limits of Digital Education, specifically in peripheral and rural areas of Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP) and Latin American countries (LA), by identifying the measures adopted at the level of the respective education systems and by learning about and analysing very different situations that exist at local level and in primary schools (1st to 6th grade). Recognising the enormous importance of teachers and the role they have taken on and are taking on, even in times of pandemic, the research will pay particular attention to the "Voice of Teachers", their testimonies about their experiences and their perceptions and expectations about the Digitalisation of Education.

TEDeMoS – Work, Education, Development and Social Movements

Organização de Estados Ibero-americanos, Programa Regional de Formación en Democracia y Ciudadanía

Teresa Medina

Alexandra Sá Costa

Elisabete Ferreira

Henrique Vaz

João Caramelo

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e da Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
