

YOUNG_ADULLLT— Policies Supporting Young People in Their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe

Most European Lifelong Learning (LLL) policies have been designed to create economic growth and, at the same time, guarantee social inclusion (EC 2010). First, we will study how different LLL policies are compatible with each other regarding their orientations and objectives and how each policy considers the needs of 'young adults'. Second, we will research policies' intended and unintended effects on young adults. In this regard, we will look into relevant social developments such as life course de-standardisation processes and into an emerging new political economy of skills. Third, we will generate new knowledge about regional and local policymaking, focusing on actors, dynamics, and trends. By focusing on their regional/local context, we will elucidate the interaction and complementarity of LLL policies with other sectors of society, thus contributing to a better understanding of current fragmentation and discrepancies, to set parameters for future decision-making support systems.
The project will first contribute new knowledge of the impact of LLL policies on young adults' life courses, yielding insights into the conditions, strategies, and necessities for policies to become effective. In addition, it will provide insights into the innovations and potentials they unlock, in particular with a view to informal and non-formal learning to better address vulnerable groups. Second, the project contributes to a better understanding of the structural relationships and functional match between education/training and the labour market sectors. Third, the project will provide a thorough review of regional policies and initiatives in the countries studied, laying bare distinct dynamics and trends, but also mismatches and redundancies. In particular, the project aims at identifying successful programmes in terms of sustainable solutions in integrating the labour market with, social inclusion as well as their transferability to other contexts.

PCEP - Participation, Communities and Political Education

Comissão Europeia, - Horizon 2020 - Young Society (Action type: I&DT)
Ref. 693167

Adult education
Adult education policy
Education policy
Labour market policy
Life course and transitions
Lifelong learning
Skills demand and supply
Youth unemployment

Tiago Neves

Alexandra Sá Costa

Fernanda Rodrigues

Isabel Menezes

José Pedro Amorim

Pedro Ferreira

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
CIIE/Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, Germany
Plovdiv University Paisiy Hilendarski, Bulgaria
South-West University "Neofit Rilski" - Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
University of Turku, Finland
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Croatia
University of Granada, Spain
University of Genoa, Italy
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
University of Vienna, Austria
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
