Membros Integrados

Professor(a) auxiliar

CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


Paulo Marinho, PhD in Educational Sciences, is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Porto. Researcher and integrated member of Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE), which is part of the Research Community of Practice – Curriculum, Assessment, Teacher Education and Digital Technologies in Education (CAFTe). From 2015-2019 he was an advisor and developed projects in the United Nations Development Program (UNDP – Brazil), which enhanced the construction and implementation of educational policies. He has dedicated himself to research and knowledge development in areas such as: Learning assessment; Institutional Assessment; School Organizational Cultures and Teaching Professionals; School education and social minorities; Educational, Curricular and Social Justice Policies; Teacher Education and Philosophy of science. He is the author or co-author of several national and international articles, books and book chapters.

2015 – Pós-Doutoramento em Educação – Universidade Federal de Alagoas, UFAL, Brasil
2014 – Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação – Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Avaliação da aprendizagem e sucesso escolar; Avaliação institucional escolar; Cultura(s) organizacional(is) escolar(es); Culturas profissionais docentes; Cotidianos; Políticas educacionais e curriculares; Filosofia da ciência.

EscuelaQResiste – Transformative resistance in schools: Counter-narratives in Education for Social Justice

After 12 years of developing research into Critical Theory, within the scope of Fraser's Theory of Social Justice and Critical Pedagogy for Social Justice, the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) focuses on this project on Critical Race Theory, Critical Pedagogies of Latin America and Resistance Theory to provide information that contributes to the configuration of fairer and more inclusive educational systems.

The proposal is presented between the UNESCO Chair and the University Institute of Human Rights, Democracy and Culture of Peace and Non-Violence (DEMOSPAZ) at UAM, with the participation of six research teams from five countries in Europe and Latin America.

The general objectives of the project are twofold:

Understand the perceptions and experiences of oppression in the educational system of young people outside the educational system, families and communities.
Identify forms of resistance in education by young people outside the educational system, families and communities and resilient schools.
To achieve these objectives, three complementary studies are proposed, each with an innovative methodology that is consistent with the objectives:

Study 1. Young people on the margins of the educational system. In order to understand the perception of oppression of these young people and identify their forms of resistance, the methodology of critical testimony will be used. 72 young people from 6 countries who are on the margins of the educational system will participate: young people aged 16-18 who are disruptive, marginalized, excluded or even expelled from the educational system, in a situation of poverty and vulnerability, of immigrant origin, belonging to indigenous groups or gypsies. In order to reconstruct critical testimonies, 6 in-depth interviews will be carried out with each of the participants, as well as several discussion groups.

Study 2. Other narratives of education, families and communities. In order to identify and understand non-hegemonic narratives of families and communities about education and their forms of resistance to school tradition, a study will be carried out using the counter-narrative methodology. The participation of 72 families with teenage sons and/or daughters living in challenging socioeconomic contexts and activists from at least 17 civil society groups that collaborate on educational initiatives in these contexts is proposed.

Study 3: Transformative resilience in resilient schools. In order to know and understand the forms of transformative resistance in resilient schools, a study will be carried out using the Critical Transformative Ethnography approach. It is proposed to develop 16 critical transformative ethnographies in as many schools in six countries located in challenging socioeconomic contexts, with a high percentage of students from minority groups and who have shown signs of resilience. Data collection techniques will be participant observation, in-depth interviews, document analysis and focus groups.

For the development of the project, a complete planning of activities was carried out, with details on responsibilities, times and products. A plan was also designed to optimize the scientific-technical and social impact of the project.

Self-assessment of Schools and School Management: The Use of Assessment in Decision Making

School self-assessment (SAE) processes – legislated as mandatory in 2002 – have been considered essential mechanisms for the self-regulation and self-management of school institutions, as well as seeking and guaranteeing the quality of education. This association is based on the belief, supported by scientific research on this topic, that the production of internal, contextualized and in-depth knowledge about the school reality is capable of supporting diagnoses of the situation in each school. Consequently, these diagnoses can support informed decision-making in school management, with a view to solving problems and, therefore, improving. Despite being a widely studied topic, there is still little knowledge about how SEA has been used for decision-making in schools.

Based on these considerations, this research aims to explore how the conclusions generated by self-assessment processes are used in decision-making about school, pedagogical and curricular management, through data collection with Directors of School Groups in the region. of Greater Porto. More specifically, this investigation aims to identify: 1) existing evaluation processes in School Groups in the Greater Porto region; 2) type(s) of information most used in decision making; 3) decisions made and actions/changes implemented based on information from evaluation processes.

Organizational culture and learning communities in Higher Education

Todo o Índio tem Ciência _Every indigenous has science

The research project has the general objective of mapping pedagogical and curricular processes and practices in indigenous schools and their effects on recognition and production of knowledge against hegemonic knowledge

Agencia Estatal de Investigación/MEIC Spain

DEMOSpEJS – Democracy in schools as the cornerstone of education for social justice [A democracia nas escolas como a pedra angular de uma educação para a justiça social]

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Indicators, Models and Experiences of Monitoring and Assessment of Learning and Development of Children from 3 to 18 years old [Indicadores, Modelos e Experiências de Monitorização e Avaliação de Aprendizagens e de Desenvolvimento das Crianças dos 3 aos 18 anos]

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

DigP-SEM - Digital Platforms in School Clusters' Educational Management [Plataformas Digitais na Gestão Educacional dos Agrupamentos]

Perspectives of Basic and Secondary Education Students on Learning Assessment Practices [Perspetivas de Alunos dos Ensinos básico e secundário sobre Práticas de Avaliação das Aprendizagens]

Curricular Autonomy and Flexibility in relation to the GERM in Portuguese schools [A Autonomia e Flexibilização Curricular na sua relação com GERM nas escolas portuguesas]

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Quilombola Schools, Curriculum, Identities and Diversity [Escolas Quilombola, Currículo, Identidades e Diversidade]

EscuelaQResiste – Transformative resistance in schools: Counter-narratives in Education for Social Justice

After 12 years of developing research into Critical Theory, within the scope of Fraser's Theory of Social Justice and Critical Pedagogy for Social Justice, the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) focuses on this project on Critical Race Theory, Critical Pedagogies of Latin America and Resistance Theory to provide information that contributes to the configuration of fairer and more inclusive educational systems.

The proposal is presented between the UNESCO Chair and the University Institute of Human Rights, Democracy and Culture of Peace and Non-Violence (DEMOSPAZ) at UAM, with the participation of six research teams from five countries in Europe and Latin America.

The general objectives of the project are twofold:

Understand the perceptions and experiences of oppression in the educational system of young people outside the educational system, families and communities.
Identify forms of resistance in education by young people outside the educational system, families and communities and resilient schools.
To achieve these objectives, three complementary studies are proposed, each with an innovative methodology that is consistent with the objectives:

Study 1. Young people on the margins of the educational system. In order to understand the perception of oppression of these young people and identify their forms of resistance, the methodology of critical testimony will be used. 72 young people from 6 countries who are on the margins of the educational system will participate: young people aged 16-18 who are disruptive, marginalized, excluded or even expelled from the educational system, in a situation of poverty and vulnerability, of immigrant origin, belonging to indigenous groups or gypsies. In order to reconstruct critical testimonies, 6 in-depth interviews will be carried out with each of the participants, as well as several discussion groups.

Study 2. Other narratives of education, families and communities. In order to identify and understand non-hegemonic narratives of families and communities about education and their forms of resistance to school tradition, a study will be carried out using the counter-narrative methodology. The participation of 72 families with teenage sons and/or daughters living in challenging socioeconomic contexts and activists from at least 17 civil society groups that collaborate on educational initiatives in these contexts is proposed.

Study 3: Transformative resilience in resilient schools. In order to know and understand the forms of transformative resistance in resilient schools, a study will be carried out using the Critical Transformative Ethnography approach. It is proposed to develop 16 critical transformative ethnographies in as many schools in six countries located in challenging socioeconomic contexts, with a high percentage of students from minority groups and who have shown signs of resilience. Data collection techniques will be participant observation, in-depth interviews, document analysis and focus groups.

For the development of the project, a complete planning of activities was carried out, with details on responsibilities, times and products. A plan was also designed to optimize the scientific-technical and social impact of the project.

Self-assessment of Schools and School Management: The Use of Assessment in Decision Making

School self-assessment (SAE) processes – legislated as mandatory in 2002 – have been considered essential mechanisms for the self-regulation and self-management of school institutions, as well as seeking and guaranteeing the quality of education. This association is based on the belief, supported by scientific research on this topic, that the production of internal, contextualized and in-depth knowledge about the school reality is capable of supporting diagnoses of the situation in each school. Consequently, these diagnoses can support informed decision-making in school management, with a view to solving problems and, therefore, improving. Despite being a widely studied topic, there is still little knowledge about how SEA has been used for decision-making in schools.

Based on these considerations, this research aims to explore how the conclusions generated by self-assessment processes are used in decision-making about school, pedagogical and curricular management, through data collection with Directors of School Groups in the region. of Greater Porto. More specifically, this investigation aims to identify: 1) existing evaluation processes in School Groups in the Greater Porto region; 2) type(s) of information most used in decision making; 3) decisions made and actions/changes implemented based on information from evaluation processes.

Organizational culture and learning communities in Higher Education

Todo o Índio tem Ciência _Every indigenous has science

The research project has the general objective of mapping pedagogical and curricular processes and practices in indigenous schools and their effects on recognition and production of knowledge against hegemonic knowledge

Agencia Estatal de Investigación/MEIC Spain

DEMOSpEJS – Democracy in schools as the cornerstone of education for social justice [A democracia nas escolas como a pedra angular de uma educação para a justiça social]

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Indicators, Models and Experiences of Monitoring and Assessment of Learning and Development of Children from 3 to 18 years old [Indicadores, Modelos e Experiências de Monitorização e Avaliação de Aprendizagens e de Desenvolvimento das Crianças dos 3 aos 18 anos]

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

DigP-SEM - Digital Platforms in School Clusters' Educational Management [Plataformas Digitais na Gestão Educacional dos Agrupamentos]

Perspectives of Basic and Secondary Education Students on Learning Assessment Practices [Perspetivas de Alunos dos Ensinos básico e secundário sobre Práticas de Avaliação das Aprendizagens]

Curricular Autonomy and Flexibility in relation to the GERM in Portuguese schools [A Autonomia e Flexibilização Curricular na sua relação com GERM nas escolas portuguesas]

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Quilombola Schools, Curriculum, Identities and Diversity [Escolas Quilombola, Currículo, Identidades e Diversidade]

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Schools Self-evaluation: Evaluate to Know, Intervene and Improve [Autoavaliação de Escolas: Avaliar para Conhecer, Intervir e Melhorar]

Schools Self-evaluation: evaluate to know, intervene and improve was a pilot project that assumed as general objective to contribute to implementation of schools self-evaluation in Education Network of Maceió (Brazil) in the definition of a sustained structure and facilitator of improvement processes of school organization, aiming at the school success of all students.
The research followed a quantitative and qualitative approach, using, among other techniques, document analysis, questionnaires, interviews and case studies. The research context was Maceió (Brazil) and the data collected covered three school clusters, primary education. As participants, the study involved teachers (including school directors and pedagogical coordinators), education technicians, students and their families, and the local community

The Assessment of Learning in Basic Education in Portugal: an analysis of political agenda and the context of practice [A Avaliação das Aprendizagens no Ensino básico em Portugal: uma análise da agenda política e do contexto de prática]

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

From genealogy / cartography of school organizational culture to the construction of a glossary of theoretical-epistemological foundations [Da genealogia /cartografia da cultural organizacional escolar à construção de um glossário de fundamentos teóricos-epistemológicos]

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas

School cultures and their relationship with Management and Leadership [Culturas escolares e sua relação com Gestão e Lideranças]

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

The school organizational culture: a genealogical and cartographic study [A cultura organizacional escolar: um estudo genealógico e cartográfico]

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Learning Assessment: Conceptions and practices in public schools [Avaliação da aprendizagem: Conceções e práticas em escolas públicas ]

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Educação Continuada, Curriculo e Práticas Culturais [Continuing Education, Curriculum and Cultural Practices]

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Assessment of / for learning: construction of guidelines for public schools [Avaliação da/para aprendizagem: construções de diretrizes para a rede de ensino público]

Assessment of/for learning: construction of guidelines for public schools was a project that assumed as general objective to produce knowledge on conceptions and practices of learning assessment of public school teachers. The knowledge produced here served as a basis for the construction of guidelines within the scope of an assessment for learning of all.
The research followed a quantitative and qualitative approach, using, among other techniques, document analysis, questionnaires, interviews and training. This study involved all schools (basic education) from the public education network in Maceió (Brazil). As participants, it included teachers, school directors, pedagogical coordinators and others education technicians.

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal a Nivel Superior - CAPES

The school organizational cultures and teaching professionals and its implications for assessment [A cultura organizacional escolar e profissional docente e suas implicações na avaliação]

Department of Education of Valongo Municipality, Porto, Portugal

Young people in situations of school "repetition": permanence and access to success

Senses and meanings of life in school: "voices" of students of Basic Education

Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal a Nivel Superior - CAPES

Reading and Training of Readers in the State of Alagoas: study of literacy intervention of Education of Youths and Adults

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

Assessment of learning in Basic Education: contributions to the understanding of its relation with school success

Journal article

Academic perspectives of the teaching-research nexus in initial teacher education in Portugal

Carlinda Leite; Paulo Marinho; Fátima Sousa-Pereira

Book chapter

Perfil dos professores do ensino superior que, em Portugal, formam professores dos ensinos básico e secundário

Leite, Carlinda; Sousa-Pereira, Fátima ; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Currículos pensadospraticados da educação física na EJA: a dança como invenção cotidiana potencializadora de ecologia de saberes corporais

Nara Martins-Oliveira; Marinaide Lima de Queiroz Freitas; Paulo Marinho

Journal article

Profesores que forman profesores en Portugal: ¿qué perfil investigador? ¿Qué condiciones? [Teacher educators in Portugal: what is the research profile? What are the research conditions?]

Leite, Carlinda; Sousa-Pereira, Fátima ; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Cooperating teachers in the initial training of future teachers/Os professores cooperantes na formação inicial de futuros docentes

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo; Sousa-Pereira, Fátima

Journal article

Os professores cooperantes na formação inicial de futuros docentes [Cooperant teachers in the initial teacher education].

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo; Sousa Pereira, Fátima

Journal article

Os professores cooperantes na formação inicial de futuros docentes [Cooperant teachers in the initial teacher education].

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo; Sousa Pereira, Fátima

Journal issue

Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo; Sousa Pereira, Fátima

Journal article

Digital platforms and technologies in preschool education in Portugal: Perceptions of preschool teachers

Valadas, Sandra T; Fernandes, Preciosa; Monteiro, Angélica; Figueiredo, Carla; Marinho, Paulo; Vilhena, Carla

Journal article

A socialização com a profissão na formação inicial de professores em Portugal,

Sousa Pereira, Fátima; Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo

Journal issue

Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social

Journal article

A socialização com a profissão na formação inicial de professores em Portugal,

Sousa Pereira, Fátima; Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo

Book chapter

Perfil dos professores do ensino superior que, em Portugal, formam professores dos ensinos básico e secundário

Leite, Carlinda; Sousa-Pereira, Fátima ; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Teaching-Research Nexus In Initial Teacher Education In Portugal / Perspectivas académicas del nexo enseñanza-investigación en la formación inicial del profesorado en Portugal.

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo; Sousa Pereira, Fátima

Journal article

Os professores cooperantes na formação inicial de futuros docentes [Cooperant teachers in the initial teacher education].

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo; Sousa Pereira, Fátima

Book chapter

Perfil dos professores do ensino superior que, em Portugal, formam professores dos ensinos básico e secundário

Leite, Carlinda; Sousa-Pereira, Fátima ; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

A socialização com a profissão na formação inicial de professores em Portugal,

Sousa Pereira, Fátima; Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Digital platforms and technologies in preschool education in Portugal: Perceptions of preschool teachers [Scopus Q3]

Valadas, Sandra T.; Fernandes, Preciosa; Monteiro, Angélica; Figueiredo, Carla; Marinho, Paulo; Vilhena, Carla

Journal article

A socialização com a profissão na formação inicial de professores em Portugal

Fátima Sousa-Pereira; Carlinda Leite; Paulo Marinho

Journal article



Journal article

Currículos pensadospraticados da educação física na EJA: a dança como invenção cotidiana potencializadora de ecologia de saberes corporais

Nara Martins-Oliveira; Marinaide Lima de Queiroz Freitas; Paulo Marinho

Journal article

Teaching-Research Nexus In Initial Teacher Education In Portugal / Perspectivas académicas del nexo enseñanza-investigación en la formación inicial del profesorado en Portugal.

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo; Sousa Pereira, Fátima

Journal article

Profesores que forman profesores en Portugal: ¿qué perfil investigador? ¿Qué condiciones? [Teacher educators in Portugal: what is the research profile? What are the research conditions?]

Leite, Carlinda; Sousa-Pereira, Fátima ; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

GERM in Learning Assessment: resonances in School and Professional Teaching Culture/O GERM na Avaliação das Aprendizagens: ressonâncias na Cultura Escolar e Profissional Docente

Marinho, Paulo; Fernandes, Preciosa

Journal article

Os professores cooperantes na formação inicial de futuros docentes [Cooperant teachers in the initial teacher education].

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo; Sousa Pereira, Fátima



César sá; Linda Saraiva; Marinho, Paulo; Fontaínhas, Iolanda

Journal article

Digital platforms and technologies in preschool education in Portugal: Perceptions of preschool teachers

Valadas, Sandra T; Fernandes, Preciosa; Monteiro, Angélica; Figueiredo, Carla; Marinho, Paulo; Vilhena, Carla

Journal article

Academic perspectives of the teaching-research nexus in initial teacher education in Portugal

Carlinda Leite; Paulo Marinho; Fátima Sousa-Pereira

Journal article

Cooperating teachers in the initial training of future teachers/Os professores cooperantes na formação inicial de futuros docentes

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo; Sousa-Pereira, Fátima

Journal article

Avaliação das aprendizagens: Uma análise de produções acadêmicas brasileiras (2006-2020) [Assessment of learning: an analysis of Brazilian academic production (2006-2020)]

Teodoro, Eliane; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Assessment of learning: an analysis of academic productions/Avaliação das aprendizagens: uma análise de produções acadêmicas brasileiras (2006-2020)

Eliane Teodoro; Carlinda Leite; Preciosa Fernandes; Paulo Marinho

Book chapter

Líderes escolares en contextos de pandemia: de la urgencia a la agencia

Carlinda Leite; Angélica Monteiro; Carla Figueiredo; Paulo Marinho; Preciosa Fernandes

Book chapter

O retorno à escola no Proeja: entre múltiplos temores, possibilidades de aprendizagem e permanência escolar

Vanda Figueredo Cardoso; Marinaide Freitas; Paulo Marinho

Book chapter

A permanência escolar na educação de jovens e adultos: uma experiência instituinte

Maria de Fátima Feitosa Amorim Gomes; Marinaide Freitas; Paulo Marinho

Journal article

Proeja students: routes denied to other possibilities

Gomes,Maria de Fátima Feitosa Amorim; Freitas,Marinaide Lima de Queiroz; Marinho,Paulo


Assessment of Learning in Educational Institutions Study on indicators, models and experiences of monitoring and evaluating learning and development of children and young people aged 3 to 18

Júlio Pedrosa; Leite, Carlinda; Maria João Pires Da Rosa; Isabel Pinho; Carla Vieira; Marinho, Paulo


The use of digital platforms and technologies in schools/groups of schools: contributions for reflection/A utilização das plataformas e tecnologias digitais em escolas/agrupamentos de escolas: contributos para reflexão

Fernandes, Preciosa; Carlinda Leite; Angélica Monteiro; Carla Figueiredo; Marinho, Paulo



Freitas, Marinaide Lima de Queiroz; Gerson Tavares do Carmo; Marinho, Paulo; Andresso Marques Torres

Book chapter

Líderes escolares en contextos de pademia: de la urgencia a la agencia [School leaders in contexts of poverty: from urgency to agency]

Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Figueiredo, Carla; Marinho, Paulo; Fernandes, Preciosa


Avaliação de aprendizagens em instituições educativas. Estudo sobre indicadores, modelos e experiências de monitorização e avaliação de aprendizagens e de desenvolvimento das crianças e jovens dos 3 aos 18 anos

Pedrosa, Júlio; Leite, Carlinda; Rosa, Maria João Pires da; Pinho, Isabel; Vieira, Carla Ferreira; Marinho, Paulo


A utilização das plataformas e tecnologias digitais em escolas/agrupamentos de escolas: Contributos para reflexão

Fernandes, Preciosa (3F12-A5A2-FCF6); Leite, Carlinda (5F18-F229-DA3E); Monteiro, Angélica; Figueiredo, Carla; Marinho, Paulo


A utilização das plataformas e tecnologias digitais em escolas/agrupamentos de escolas: Contributos para reflexão [The use of digital platforms and technologies in schools/school groups: Contributions for reflection]

Fernandes, Preciosa; Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Figueiredo, Carla; Marinho, Paulo


A utilização das plataformas e tecnologias digitais em escolas/agrupamentos de escolas: Contributos para reflexão

Fernandes, Preciosa; Leite, Carlinda; Monteiro, Angélica; Figueiredo, Carla; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article


Teodoro, Eliane; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

The 'critical friend' figure in the development of cultures of self-assessment and school improvement,A figura do ¿amigo crítico¿ no desenvolvimento de culturas de autoavaliação e melhoria de escolas,La figura del ¿amigo crítico¿ en el desarrollo de las culturas de autoevaluación y mejora de escuelas

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

The critical friend figure in the development of cultures of self-assessment and school improvement [A figura do amigo crítico no desenvolvimento de culturas de autoavaliação e melhoria de escolas ]

Leite, Carlinda; Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

The digital portfolio as an assessment strategy for learning in higher education

Marinho, Paulo; Fernandes, Preciosa; Pimentel, Fernando

Journal article

A pessoa idosa na Educaçãode Jovens e Adultos: um mapeamento da produção acadêmica em periódicos no Brasil

Cíntia Gomes da Silva; Marinaide Lima de Queiroz Freitas; Paulo Manuel Teixeira Marinho

Journal issue

Digital technologies and school education in a pandemic context (COVID-19): Experiences, meanings and effects

Journal article

CURRICULAR POLICIES IN PORTUGAL IN SECOND DECADE OF THE 21ST CENTURY: between composite regulation logics and displacement from educational action to the school collective]

Fernandes, Preciosa; Marinho, Paulo


Currículo, avaliação, formação e tecnologias digitais em educação _ Livro de Atas de Conferência Internacional _ CAFTe III

Journal article

“Infectious GERM” in school cultures – possibilities and limits of policy of autonomy and curricular flexibility in Portugal [“GERM infecioso” nas culturas escolares – possibilidades e limites da política de autonomia e flexibilização curricular em Portugal][

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Avaliação de processos de gestão em um Instituto Federal: uma análise a partir do desenvolvimento do estágio: (des)conexão entre ensino e extensão

Paulo Marinho; Rodrigo de Melo Lucena; Vanda Figueredo Cardoso

Journal article

Avaliação de um modelo de gestão em um Instituto Federal ¿ (Des)conexões entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão [Evaluation of Management Processes in a Federal Institute: an analysis based on development of internship - (dis) connection between teaching and extension]

Marinho, Paulo; Melo Lucena, Rodrigo; Cardoso, Vanda


In the Web of School Culture: understanding and rethinking processes and actions in / of the school [Na Teia da Cultura Escolar: compreender e repensar processos e ações na/da escola]

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Alfabetização e letramento na educação de jovens e adultos: mapeamento da produção acadêmica em periódicos no Brasil

Marinaide Lima de Queiroz Freitas; Nara Elisa Gonçalves Martins-Oliveira; Ana Luísa Tenório dos Santos; Paulo Teixeira Marinho


Relatório – Metodologia: Autoavaliação de escolas - projeto piloto Autoavaliação de Escolas: Avaliar para Conhecer, Intervir e Melhorar [Report - Methodology: Schools Self-Evaluation ]

Marinho, Paulo


Relatório analítico dos Planos de Ação de Melhoria (PAM) - projeto piloto Autoavaliação de Escolas: Avaliar para Conhecer, Intervir e Melhorar [Analytical report of the Improvement Action Plans (PAM)- Pilot project Schools Self-Evaluation: Evaluate to Know, Intervene and Improve]

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

A curriculum in vocational courses: The recognition and (re)construction of counter-hegemonic knowledge

Marinho, Paulo; Delgado, Fátima

Book chapter

Formação Docente em Educação Física: Entre o Repensar necessário e os conhecimentos específicos para a atuação na Educação de Jovens e Adultos

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article


Valéria Campos Cavalcante; Paulo Marinho

Journal article

Currículo e Avaliação da Aprendizagem: Políticas e Práticas na sua relação com a Melhoria (apresentação)

Carlinda Leite; Preciosa Fernandes; Paulo Marinho

Journal article

The Role of School Management Bodies in Learning Assessment: between bureaucracy and improvement [O Papel dos Órgãos de Gestão da Escola na Avaliação da Aprendizagem: entre a burocracia e a melhoria]

Paulo Marinho; Carlinda Leite; Preciosa Fernandes

Journal article

Sociedades sem Empregos: Culpabilizar para Flexibilizar (o sujeito)-Societies without Employment: to blame for flexibilize (the individual)

Marinho, Paulo

Book chapter

Desocultando relações simbióticas e isomórficas da/na cultura organizacional e profissional docente dos professores de matemática do Ifal

Marinho, Paulo

Book chapter

Premissas de culturas gestoras na (des)promoção de processos de gestão promissores e transformadores

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

The (re)production of the culture of teachers in the school culture: emics-etics categories in the understanding of the daily actions of teachers [A (re)produção da cultura docente na cultura escolar: Categorias émicas-éticas na compreensão das ações cotidianas de professores]

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Sociedades sem empregos: culpabilizar para flexibilizar (o sujeito)

Paulo Marinho; Marinaide Freitas


Educação e Cultura Escolar: focus contemporâneos [Education and school culture: contemporary focus]

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Mathematics summative assessment practices in schools at opposite ends of performance rankings in Portugal

Marinho, Paulo; Leite, Carlinda & Fernandes, Preciosa

Book chapter

Construindo uma genealogia e cartografia da cultura organizacional escolar (Building a genealogy and cartography of school organizational culture)

Marinho, Paulo

Book chapter

As táticas dos praticantespensantes da/na EJA: construindo currículos emancipatórios (The tactics of practitioners / thinkers of EJA: building emancipatory curriculum)

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Mathematics summative assessment practices in schools at opposite ends of performance rankings in Portugal

Marinho, Paulo; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa

Journal article

Mathematics summative assessment practices in schools at opposite ends of performance rankings in Portugal

Paulo Marinho; Carlinda Leite; Preciosa Fernandes

Book chapter

Cultura organizacional escolar e profissional docente: contributos teóricos-epistemológicos (School organizational culture and teaching professional: theoretical-epistemological contributions)

Marinho, Paulo


Guidelines of Learning Assessment (scientific coordinator)

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Identidades Profissionais Docentes: na “desordem” construindo uma nova “ordem” (Professional Identities teachers - in the “disorder” building a “new order”)

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

Identidades profissionais docentes: na "desordem" construindo uma "nova ordem"

Paulo Marinho

Journal article

Da Particularidade à globalidade dos discursos de uma nova era: a essência da "coisa" ou a "coisa" da essência (Particularity to the globality of the discourses of a new era: the essence of the "thing" or the "thing" of the essence)

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

The assessment of learning: from the plurality of statements to the duality of concepts [A avaliação da aprendizagem: da pluralidade de enunciações à dualidade de concepções]

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

A avaliação da aprendizagem: um ciclo vicioso de “testinite”

Marinho, Paulo; Leite, Carlinda; Fernandes, Preciosa

Journal article

A avaliação da aprendizagem: um ciclo vicioso de "Testinite"

Paulo Marinho; Carlinda Leite; Preciosa Fernandes

Journal article

A avaliação da aprendizagem: um ciclo vicioso de "Testinite" (Learning Assessment: A Vicious Cycle of "Testinitis”)

Marinho, Paulo

Journal article

A diferenciação pedagógica: dos riscos e obstáculos aos desafios de uma prática (Pedagogical differentiation: from risks and obstacles to the challenge of a practice)

Marinho, Paulo

Book chapter

[Num novo postulado para uma avaliação formativa - o portfolio como estratégia de aprendizagem e avaliação]

Marinho, Paulo

Book chapter

O portfolio como estratégia de avaliação formativa alternativa no ensino superior – Potencialidades, riscos e desafios

Marinho, Paulo

Conference paper

A avaliação da aprendizagem como dispositivo gerador de sucesso

Marinho, Paulo; Leite, Carlinda (5F18-F229-DA3E); Fernandes, Preciosa (3F12-A5A2-FCF6)


Promoting quality and educational success in Vila Nova de Famalicão [Promover a qualidade e o sucesso educativo em Vila Nova de Famalicão ]

Marinho, Paulo


O Outro Lado (The other side)

Marinho, Paulo


Portfolio, um caminho didático

Marinho, Paulo

Conference paper

O governo da escola, especificidades e desafios num Território Educativo de Intervenção Prioritária (TEIP)

Elisabete Ferreira; Paulo Marinho

Conference paper

A avaliação da aprendizagem como dispositivo gerador de sucesso

Paulo Marinho; Carlinda Leite; Preciosa Fernandes