In the wake of growing nationalism and anti-immigrant attitudes institutions of Higher Education are called upon to facilitate the development of “inclusive societies” (European Commission 2017). While internationalisation constitutes a top priority for most HEIs, its implementation in practice in the sense of ‘internationalisation at home’ remains lacking. This specifically impacts on the situation of international students. SOLVINC aims to facilitate the development of intercultural and conflict management skills among international students, local students and HE staff and to further the implementation of intercultural student encounters in HEIs, thereby contributing to the promotion of inclusion in practice. In order to generate sustainable processes of intercultural learning, the SOLVINC project transfers the proven methodology of critical incidents by Cohen-Emerique (2015) to the Higher Education context. By collecting and analyzing first-hand experiences of international students, the project will compile a broad knowledge base from which strategies for conflict negotiation and resolution are developed as well as training material for Higher education staff to be better equipped to deal with an increasingly diverse student population. Additionally, the implementation of spaces for intercultural learning between international and local students will be executed in institutions of Higher Education. The strong partnership consists of four large universities (Portugal, Italy, Germany and Poland) with a high percentage of international students and experience on research on intercultural learning as well as an NGO specializing in intercultural training on the critical incident methodology by Cohen-Emerique.
GAPE – Educational Policies Analysis Group
European Commission, Erasmus+
Spoleczna Akademia Nauk, Poland (Coord.)
Elan Interculturel, France
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Universität Wien, Austria