The proposal clearly addresses these three priorities, as they will be tackled in the development activities and by the expected project outputs. The direct target group of Xeno Tolerance are teachers and trainers working with marginalized learners. We want to equip them with knowledge and know-how to prevent radicalisation among learners. Social workers, youth workers, young adult educators will also benefit of the learning resources developed by the project. They are all the so-called 'first-liners - people in direct contact with targeted individuals or vulnerable groups of population" (Radicalisation Awareness Network of the European Commission). They have to understand better the existing risks, to be able to detect deviations and to be able to react appropriately. They have to be able to solve situations of conflicts linked to social, cultural or religious factors. The ultimate target group will be the disadvantaged learners who are more at risk of radicalisation. They need to develop criticism, self-confidence, self-esteem, to become empowered in their vocational integration path. By avoiding radicalisation and by avoiding the attraction of theory of conspiracy, they will be able to become active citizens.
The project will elaborate, test and provide materials for the lifelong training of VET trainers, teachers and educators: Xeno Tolerance Guidelines, a framework about detecting risky situations in order to react appropriately applying successful interventions to prevent anti-social behaviour and any forms of radicalisation; Xeno Tolerance Toolbox, offering a modular range of awareness raising, training and demonstration materials for VET teachers and trainers as well as for other practitioners working with marginalized young people. Furthermore, the open web platform that will offer free access to the ressources, will facilitate interaction and participation between the community of VET who are confronted with this phenomenon and who will be able to obtain peer support and helpful advice.
The project also contributes to the objectives of the "PREVENT" strand of the EU Counter-Terrorism strategy and is guided by the EU Strategy for Combating Radicalisation and Recruitment to Terrorism.
CAFTe – Curriculum, Assessment, Training and Technologies in Education
Comissão Europeia, Erasmus+ (Action type: I&DT)
Greta du Velay, France (Coord.)
Aequitas, Italy
Centro de Formación Padre Piquer, Spain
Die Kärntner Volkshochschulen, Austria
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal
Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Onlus, Italy
Fundația EuroEd, Romania
Hoger Instituut der Kempen, Belgium
Ljudska univerza Ptuj, Slovenia