Informed by the development of teachers' professionalism and by the valorisation of the teaching profession, the project has the general objective of creating research results and devices that account for teachers' stories and their crucial variables towards innovation and that promote the dialogue between old and new teachers and society. The specific objectives of the project are: produce “life narratives” that account for key analytical dimensions of the transformations in teachers' daily lives across the last decades, identifying crucial factors of innovation; promote intergenerational dialogue when training teachers of different levels of education and assess its effects; produce multimodal digital versions of exemplary life narratives and intergenerational dialogues, and to make them accessible for research, training and communicating with society through an open repository. Grounded on this background of social, political and educational changes over the last decades, of the currently aging teaching staff and of the possibilities to understand daily historical processes, training and communication with society opened up by biographical research, the study has three theoretical lines of inquiry: the construction of teachers' professionalism and educational innovation; the rejuvenation of the teaching staff and intergenerational dialogue; biographical-narrative research and the creation of an open repository of narratives and formative experiences. The project is developed in three fundamental stages: Collection and analysis of life stories of teachers who started their careers in the 1970s (taking into account gender and regional inclusion); Development and evaluation of training projects inspired by action research that promote intergenerational dialogue; Creation of an open repository to be constituted by prototypes of the stories and formative experiences selected according to fundamental axes that emerge from the analysis. The team is made up of highly qualified researchers and is organized into three subteams: the FYT team, responsible for collecting and analysing life stories, the ID team, responsible for implementing intergenerational dialogues; and the OP team composed by elements with expertise in the construction of conventional and digital databases. The consultants – António Nóvoa and Linda Evans – are major references in the fields of teachers' professionalization and of biographical-narrative training/research.
Full research team | PI: Amélia Lopes, CIIE/FPCEUP Co-PI: Leanete Thomas Dotta, CIIE/FPCEUP Amândio Graça, FADEUP e CIIE/FPCEUP Ana Mouraz, Uab e CIIE/FPCEUP Angélica Monteiro, CIIE/FPCEUP Isabel Viana, UMinho José João Almeida, UMinho Luís Grosso Correia, FLUP e CIIE/FPCEUP Maria Assunção Folque, UE Fátima Pereira, CIIE/FPCEUP Maria João Carvalho, UTAD e CIIE/FPCEUP Margarida Marta, CIIE/FPCEUP Paula Batista, FADEUP e CIIE/FPCEUP Ricardo Vieira, IPLeiria Sónia Valente Rodrigues, FLUP Rita Sousa (Research fellow) Luciana Joana (Postdoc fellow)
IDEAFor - Identity, Democracy, School, Administration and Training
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
(Referência PTDC/CED-EDG/1039/2021)
CIIE/Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), Portugal (Coord.)
Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto (FADEUP), Portugal
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP), Portugal
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPLeiria), Portugal
Universidade Aberta (Uab), Portugal
Universidade de Évora (UE), Portugal
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal