
Study on CyberSecurity Education in Portugal II

Utopias of Education in the 1st Republic: What Contributions from Children’s Literature (1910-1926)

Digital Platform Work in Portugal: Practices, Experiences and Expectations

Young People Returning: Mobility, Motivations and Investment in the Inlands and Low Density Regions After Higher Education

The Grandmas’ Ark: History, Memories, and Contexts of Education

OEI - DIGITAL EDUCATION - "Digital education" in Rural and/or Peripheral Areas: Challenges and Experiences (phase 2)

Sing4Health II

Childcare Centres in Portugal - Policies, Conceptions and Practices: Contributions to the Training of Early Childhood Educators

Play4Life - Young Athletes as Activists in Sports

Education in Times of Pandemic: Political Discourses in Portugal

Study on the External Evaluation of the Urgent Youth Project

School Self-Evaluation and School Management: The Use of Evaluation in Decision-Making

Education and Moral Development through the Voices of the Community.

Non-formal Education within the Framework of EDCG in NGDOs in Portugal: Potential, Difficulties and Paths of Action

International Cooperation in Education in Emergencies: A Case Study in Mozambique

Spread the Sign - Sign Language for Beginners in Europe

University Pedagogical Advisory

PODER - Power Dynamics in Education Revisited

CREAT_ED_ - The Historicization of the Creative Child in Education


Digital Education in Rural and/or Peripheral Areas: Challenges and Experiences

OEI - Chair of Education for Global Citizenship: Education for Global Citizenship of the Organization of Ibero-American States

DITE - Diverse Internationalisation of Teacher Education

INES - Innovative Teaching and Learning Paths for the Prevention of New Drugs Abuse

Development of a Study on Higher Education and Professional Cybersecurity Education in Portugal, as part of the Cybersecurity Observatory

Chair in Citizenship/Global Education

Study on CyberSecurity Education in Portugal

OEI - DIGITAL EDUCATION - "Digital Education" in Rural and/or Peripheral Areas: Challenges and Experiences (phase 1)

FAMI - Third-country Students in Portugal: Challenges of Integration in a (Post)Pandemic Era

ClimActiC - Citizenship for Climate: Creating Bridges between Citizenship and Science for Climate Adaptation

DICEs - Digital Citizenship Education from Inside Out School

EducHate - An Educational Approach to Detect, Combat and Prevent Online Hate Speech

Social|HaterS - Hate Speech During COVID-19: Prevalence, Dynamics and Patterns Among Young People

Healthy Waters - Identification, Elimination, Social Awareness and Education of Water Chemical and Biological Micropollutants with Health and Environmental Implications

ICamões 2020 - Quality Development Cooperation: An In-service Teacher Training Programme in Kuito-Bié

Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento de Qualidade: Um Programa de Formação Contínua de Professores no Kuito-Bié

EviEdVet - Promoting Evidence-Based Education and Training in Veterinary Medicine

"Untold Stories" - Experiences and Inconsistencies of Homelessness

COSI.ed - Co-created Education through Social Inclusion

Equity&PISA - Equity through PISA: Results and Discourses

CitEdEV - Citizenship Education in the Context of European Values: The Educational Aspect

LIDA – Learning Inclusion in a Digital Age: To Belong and Find a Voice in a Changing Europe

FEM-UnitED - UnitED Prevent IPV/DV Femcide in Europe

Internationalisation of Higher Education in a ‘Catch-up’ Country: Tensions between Portugal’s Colonial past and the EU agenda for a European Higher Education Area

MARKA - Innovation and Inclusion in the Construction of an Identity Curriculum

DecolDEV- Decolonising Development: Research, Teaching and Practice

Equitable Schools: Uncovering the Distinctive Features of Schools that Systematically Diminish Educational Inequalities in the Portuguese Context

Study on the Political Participation of Young People in Portugal

The Political Participation of Portuguese Youth

Development Education in Public Higher Education In Portugal II: Training Proposals and Resources (Study)

Education in Emergencies: Endogenous Knowledge and Disaster Risk Reduction in Education in Mozambique - A Case Study

HistoMap - Mapping History Education in Portugal

EDULOG Leitura e Escrita - Research into How Future Teachers are Being Prepared to Teach Reading and Writing

Operator - Digital Transformation in Industry with a Focus on the Operator 4.0 Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnologico projetos de I&D em copromoção parcerias internacionais

MINDtheGaps - Media Literacy Towards Youth Social Inclusion

UP2B - Boosting Up Social Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion

EDULOG Teachers Profile - Research into the Academic and Professional Profile of Higher Education Teachers Providing Initial Teacher Training

BE PART - Youth-Led Development for School's Participatory Management

DISK - Digital Immigrants Survival Kit

Educating for Global Citizenship

Rural NEET Youth Network: Modelling the Risks Underlying Rural NEETs Social Exclusion

ERC - IMAGIDEM - Imagi(ning) Democracy: European Youth becoming Citizens by Visual Participation

Social Haptic Signs for Deaf and Blind in Education

The 21st Century Skills and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development: Towards Responsible Pupils of the Future

Camões IP - Quality of Development Cooperation in Education: Case Study in the Province of Bié

LAC - Art and Citizenship Laboratory

Active Citizens Empower Vulnerable Groups

eSGarden - School Gardens for Future Citizens

MotivatEyoUth – Preventing Early School Leaving in the EU

SOLVINC - Solving Intercultural Conflicts with International Students

DigP-SEM - Digital Platforms in the Educational Management of School Clusters

EduTransfer - Learning Through Different Educational Contexts

REduF - Roots of Education for the Future

Development Education in Public Higher Education in Portugal: Mapping Representations and Analysing Experiences

Deaf Language Awareness

Spread the sign – 360

BO(U)NDS : Bonds, Boundaries and Violence: A Longitudinal Study of Gender-based Violence Prevention Programmes in Schools

NORADICA - InterReligious Dialogue Against Radicalization of Youth through Innovative Learning Practices at School

#IBelong - Towards a Sense of Belonging in an Inclusive Learning Environment

ENGAGE STUDENTS – Promoting Social Responsibility of Students

GROW:UP - Grow Up in Border Regions in Portugal

EEPN- European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders

DEMOSpEJS – Democracy in Schools as a Foundation for Social Justice Education

ReKINDLE+50 - Digital Migrations and Curricular Innovation: Reframing the Experience and (re)Enchanting the Teaching Profession after 50

THRIECE - Teaching for Holistic, Relational and Inclusive Early Childhood Education

SIRIUS 2.0 - Policy Network on Migrant Education

STALWARTS - Sustaining teachers and learners with the arts

REGAP - Reducing the Educational Gap for Migrants and Refugees in EU countries with Highly relevant E-learning Resources Offering Strong social belonging

EDULOG - Education Observatory

ATENA - Knowing to Intervene: Observatory for Education

CertSRA/ESSA - Certificate in University Social Responsibility Auditing

TA-SE - Tuning Asia-South East - Modernisation of higher education in South East Asia region: curricula design and delivery, employability of graduates, recognition of the degree programs, quality of higher education, and staff training

BYSTANDERS - Developing Bystander Responses to Sexual harassment among Young People

ADVENUS - Developing On-line Training Resources for Adult Refugees

EDUPLACES - Educating Places: Practices, Voices and Paths of Inclusive Education

YOUNG_ADULLLT - Policies Supporting Young People in Their Life Course

Xeno Tolerance - Supporting VET teachers and trainers to prevent radicalisation

Curriculum, Politics and Culture

Access, Success and Failure: Student Pathways in Public Higher Education

JoSeES - Serious Games in Higher Education: Impacts, Experiences and Potentials

HE4u2 – Integrating Cultural Diversity in Higher Education

JERF – Youth, Education and Border Regions

UNIBILITY - University meets Social Responsability

LINK - Learning in a New Key - Engaging Vulnerable Young People in School Education

CATCH-EyoU – Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions

Managing for @ School of Sucess

Spread Share: Connecting Trainers of Deaf Pupils in Europe

European Network of E-Lexicography

SIMETRIA – Project for the Promotion of Social and Nutritional Equality

CIIE - Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas - Educational Research and Intervention Centre

Code IWP - Commitment to Democracy through Increasing Women's Participation

Working Genderation : At Work and in Life

ECOAR - Employability and Skills through Art

De Par em Par - Multidisciplinary and Inter-institutional

NAOS - Professional Capacity Concerning Dealing with Diversity

Inter-generational Family Solidarity across Europe

New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on 'How Matter Comes to Matter

ICOI - Interdisciplinary Contributions to Overcome Inequalities: Involving Young Adults in Innovative Practices

Quality and Right to Higher Education: Institutional Strategies in Times of Globalisation

LIBE - Supporting Lifelong Learning with ICT Inquiry: Based Education

Cultural Encounters in Interventions against Violence

Spread the Sign - Partnership – Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU

UNIKE - Universities in the Knowledge Economy

Cancer and Work Network

Femicide Across Europe

SIRIUS - European Policy Network on the Education of Children and Young People with a Migrant Background

EPNoSL - European Policy Network on Social Leadership

EU-USR - Comparative Research on University Social Responsability in Europe and Development of a Community Reference Framework

State and Memory: Memorial Public Policies on the Portuguese Dictatorship (1974-2009)

Initial Training for Helping Professionals and the Identities of Trainers: a Study of Teaching and Nursing

Impact and Effects of External Evaluation on Non-higher Education Schools

ADAPT - Adapting European Health Systems to Diversity

Contextualising Knowledge to Improve Student Results

Strategies of Struggle and Identity Recomposition: The Socio-cultural Impact of the Women's Unity Commissions of Porto

EduCiPart - Education for Participatory Citizenship in Societies in Transition.

Networking in Education? Discourses and Strategies of Local Authorities on School Success and Dropout.

SARTPRO - Knowledge, Autonomy and Reflexivity in Professional Work in the Third Sector

CHALlD - Challenges to Identity in the Context of Globalization: Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Perspectives

Argumentar, Precisa-se!

Love, Fear and Power

PIDOP - Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation

PROFACITY - Profane Citizenship in Europe: Testing Democratic Ownership in Hybrid Situations

Music and Drama in the First Cycle of Basic Education: The Case of the Autonomous Region of Madeira

Self-evaluation in School Groups: The Relationship with Quality and Improving Education

Schools' Self-evaluation : Quality and Improvement in Education

Sexualities, Youth and Teenage Pregnancy in Northwest Portugal

SEARA Project: Educational Success and Extended Relative Autonomy

Mediation in the Community

(In)equalities of Gender in the Workplace and in Private life

Gender (In)equality at Work and in Private Life

Excellence and Innovation in Teaching/Learning: Knowing and Realising the Paradigm Shift at the University of Porto

Curriculum Proposals and Schools in Brazil and Portugal: Global-local Relations

Educational Contributions to Building Cohesion within European Social and Institutional Life


Spread the Word - Development for Communication with Vocational Sign Language in Europe

Mediation: Actors, Training and Professions

Memories of Work - Working Class Identity Processes of Construction

EuBuildIT – European Buildings and Information Technologies

Childhood and Child Education in the International Policies, Academic Research and Teacher Training, in Portugal

Young People's Biographical Journeys at School and in the Community - School Dropout Revisited

Polyphony in the Education, Citizenship and Biography of Young and Adult Women

Experiences, Journeys and Production in Educational Sciences.

Experiences, Paths and Production in Educational Sciences: A Contribution to the Knowledge of an Experience in Training and Research

TERRA: Curricula Transversalization and Environmental Awareness

Migration and Development

Initial Training and Professional Identities in Primary Education: Curricula and Basic Professional Identities

Jovales Project - Youth Students, and Secondary Education in Portugal

Conceptions and Practices of Citizenship: The Role of Psychological Development, Life Experiences and Social Discrimination

ESTER PROJECT - Schools and Territories : The Social Construction of Educational Processes in a Local Context